Preventing a Spiritual Holocaust


By Rochelle Maruch Miller

Bring them the forgotten masses, the seemingly apathetic possessed with a pinteleh Yid, who yearn to reignite a hidden candle. There’s a spiritual revolution taking place within our community, as the Brooklyn Jewish Xperience (BJX) inspires, empowers and enthralls the next generation with the beauty and meaning of Torah Judaism, history and Ahavas Yisroel.

“What we accomplish every Shabbos is unbelievable,” said Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, who co-founded BJX six years ago with his brother Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer, Mora D’Asra of BJX. I spoke with Rabbi Moshe, who serves as Executive Director, on a recent Motzei Shabbos, while he was “still on a spiritual high from the Shabbos experience.”

A BJX Shabbos is a magical experience, positively impacting the life of every participant. According to Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, the aura permeating throughout the shul’s environs is not unlike that felt at the Kosel.

“ We have a Shabbaton every week. Each Shabbos, we have a davening that is extraordinary. We use the metaphor of the Kosel because we have Jews of every persuasion and from every background davening together in a show of achdus. Everyone is davening together – college students from secular backgrounds, former Chassidim that are returning to observance,, ballabatim from the community, every type of Jew from every stripe. And no matter where they are from, there is a tremendous sense of camaraderie that is palpable. Their arms are around each other, they are singing and celebrating the sanctity of Shabbos and the beauty of Yiddishkeit. We infuse our program and all the participants with the joy of Yiddishkeit. That’s the reason for the success of our program, Baruch Hashem – we imbue them with a sense of joy for Shabbos and for Yiddishkeit. It changes their perspective about Judaism from negative to positive. Once they have participated in one Shabbaton, they keep coming back for more!”Among the many community lay leaders who take an active interest in BJX are Mr. Moshe Caller, who serves as Chairman of the Board, and Dr. Faygie Zakheim, who graciously hosts almosts every Shabbos meal and is a caring “Mom” to the college students and young professionals.

At BJX, participants savor the joy of Shabbos amid much festivity. Almost every Shabbos morning, an Aliyah is given to someone who never had a Bar Mitzvah. An aura of great festivity ensues as everyone wishes the celebrant a heartfelt “Mazel tov!”

BJX makes Judaism and Jewish life accessible to Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations. It is a home away from home for the less affiliated college students and professionals. They offer classes, stimulating social programs, and networking events. Each of their centers, located at King Highway and on Avenue K, is a hub of spiritual and personal growth, servicing an ever expanding student base. The BJX centers provide a chic, yet warm and congenial environment that makes everyone feel that they are an integral part of the experience – which they are! Their dynamic faculty offer a range of innovative classes such as the Crash Course in Conversational Hebrew, Jewish Philosophy, and one-on-one tutorials to appeal to everyone’s interest. Since its inception, BJX has serviced thousands of Jews in the community. BJX’s multi faceted programs are a lifeline and provide “spiritual oxygen” the world over.

Under the guidance of Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer, whose passion, dynamism and Ahavas Yisroel is creating a revolution for the Jewish people, BJX draws a diverse student body. One of their students has been nominated for an Emmy award for filmmaking, while other students include physicians, lawyers, podiatrists, an FBI agent, members of the Marines, Air Force, IDF, government employees, and varied professional fields.

Boruch Hashem, every BJX student is a success story, a true nachas for Klal Yisroel.

“Dear Rabbi,” wrote a grateful student, about to embark upon building a bayis neeman b’Yisroel. “It would be impossible for me to have been getting married to a Jew and building a Jewish home without you and BJX. You’ve carried me all the way through the various steps of growth and I am forever grateful. Thanks to BJX, I have a community of like individuals who strive to become more affiliated to Judaism and who really care about me.”

“Because of BJX I am now able to observe Shabbos,” says a recent graduate of the Beginner’s Judaism Course. “My family has no knowledge of what Shabbos is about. I have amazing families who host me every Shabbos. I finally know what Shabbos should really be like. It’s to your credit that so many of us have begun observing Shabbos properly.”

“I got to grow as a Jew more than I anticipated,” says a recent graduate of the Leadership Course, which is the Beginners’ Course offered at BJX. “The material was very applicable and I loved listening to the lectures (given by) the CEOs. They are very accessible and presented the material in a clear and lucid manner. They showed us that you can observe everything in the Torah and be successful in your career.”

Like many of his fellow classmates at BJX, Alex grew up in a secular home in which Judaism had never been a priority. Initially, he had viewed Judaism with skepticism. Since attending Shabbatons and classes at BJX, Alex’s perspective has changed. “I’ve come to appreciate the beauty, the traditions, and the history of Judaism,” he says. “Coming from a secular background, I feel that BJX reignited an old candle in me, that I have experienced a spiritual transformation.”

“The best part of the Leadership Course were Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer’s lectures,” said Jeff, another recent graduate, “He is very inspiring; a great Rabbi, very well-spoken, and very relatable to everyone.

It’s a golden opportunity – I never wanted the door to close. I would love to take the Leadership Courses 2, 3, and 4. I am definitely coming back!”

So transformed have their lives been by their respective BJX experiences, that recent graduates of the Beginners Judaism course will be spending their Midwinter break learning in Israel or Lakewood, immersed in Torah study.

“We feel that all of these students are our children and I’m so very proud of them,” says Rabbi Moshe Fingerer. “It makes all our work worthwhile. We have a student who is now a Madrich in Eretz Yisroel who is mentoring talmidim from other Yeshivos. By supporting BJX, you are saving the next generation. You are giving them a lifeline and giving them oxygen.”

“There’s nothing more thrilling than nurturing a seedling that, minus your intervention would have withered, instead blossom and grow into a Jew,” said Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer, Mora D’Asra of BJX. “The transformations we witness are astounding – students who had biases against Judaism and were anti-Israel, now love every facet of Judaism and want to go learn in Israel.”

“The Talmud says the Torah began in the year 2000 from creation. This is odd as the Torah was given in 2448, and not 2000”, explained Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer. “The Meforshim explain that Avraham Avinu was 52 years old in the year 2000 (he was born in 1948), and it is in this year that he began spreading Judaism to the masses. It’s amazing that this is the definition and epoch that ultimately defines Torah. Not a mass revelation at Sinai, but one person – Avrohom – working valiantly and sincerely to bring others under G-d’s wings.

If you want a chelek in Torah, I urge you to get involved and support BJX, which is following in the footsteps of Avraham Avinu and bringing Torah to the forgotten masses.”

Rabbi Fingerer adds, “The world is at a precipice now, fighting Jihadist and terror. Chazal tell us that achdus, unity, is the antidote to evil against all Jews. At BJX, the unity is palpable; all types of Jews coming together in brotherly love. BJX offers warmth and tolerance to all. The Talmud says that whoever teaches Torah to someone who otherwise would never have learned, this teacher can nullify the worst gezeros, decrees, and has the ability to bless. When you contribute to BJX, you have a portion in teaching Torah and Judaism to those who would never have learned, and can be the recipient of untold blessings and protection.”

For further information please email: [email protected] , go to or call the BJX helpline: 646.397.1544 or office: 718.513.1093. Tizku l’mitzvos!

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