Cruz on National Security: Dictators OK, Gun Control Not

cruzRepublican presidential contender Ted Cruz is defending Middle East dictators as useful allies against Islamic extremists. He’s also decrying political correctness and stricter gun laws as an impediment to national security.

The first-term Texas senator described an “America under attack” during national security speech Thursday to a conservative think tank.

He reinforced his view that global security depends upon an aggressive and engaged America — with distinct limits. Cruz opposes sending additional U.S. ground troops to confront the Islamic State group. He prefers to intensify the U.S.-led air campaign and arm regional allies.

He lashed out at President Obama for favoring gun control measures to help address the explosion of mass shootings in America. He also attacked the president’s reluctance to use the term, “radical Islamic terrorism.”


2 Responses

  1. That lines him up with Obama on dictators (Obama loves them too, and they have thrived during his administration), and very much opposed to Bush’s “Freedom agenda”. In many ways, being pro-dictator is quasi-isolationist, saying you don’t mind what happens “over there.” Since the mid-19th century, if not earlier, Americans have shown a unique unwillingess to support a war on behalf of dictators, even if they are “our” dictator.

  2. Cruz, like his buddies Bush and Rubio, want to continue to allow people on terrorist watch lists to be able to accumulate unlimited arsenals of semiautomatic weaponry — legally. It is striking that even Donald Trump suggested that that might be a stupid idea.

    If Israel had America’s gun laws, there would be mass shootings every day.

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