Bringing Light to the Darkness


The “Festival of Light,” Chanukah includes many of our favorite age-old traditions: piping-hot latkes, spinning dreidels, Chanukah gelt and of course the ceremony of lighting the Menorah. The Chanukah lights symbolize the rededication of the Beis Hamikdash, the ancient Temple, for the service of Hashem. At the same time it is an opportunity to reflect on our personal lives and rededicate ourselves to Hashem as well. The miracle of the cruse of oil that lasted eight days signifies our ability to imbue everyday activities with everlasting significance that long outlives their otherwise temporal nature.

Jewish tradition maintains that the key to eternity is charity. What better way to make the miracle of Chanukah come alive for you than by bringing the light of Chanukah to others? Brighten the darkness of those who are suffering through infirmity and illness by supporting the activities of Regional Bikur Cholim.

Your donation of $250 – the numerical value of the Hebrew word Ner, or light – will ensure that the warmth and cheer of Chanukah will remain long after the last latkes are gone. And the reward you will reap for your act of kindness are eternal.

Give your Chanukah Donation Now!

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