Statement By RCA And OU Reject Religious Test For Immigration

burqa2The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) and the Union of Orthodox Congregations of America reject calls to limit immigration to the United States based on religion.

Allen Fagin, executive vice president of the Orthodox Union, said, “We call on all Americans to reaffirm that discrimination of any group solely upon religion is wrong and anathema to the great traditions of religious and personal freedoms upon which this country was founded.”

Rabbi Shalom Baum, president of the RCA, said, “The RCA recognizes that the complex issues that face us in ensuring the safety and security from terror of innocents and free societies throughout the world need to be addressed, but need to be done in sober and responsible ways. We call upon all Americans and the United States government to recognize the threats posed by radical Islamists, while preserving and protecting the rights of all people who seek peace, no matter how they worship God.”

As Jewish Agency Chairman and former dissident Natan Sharansky reminded us, “We should not permit ourselves to turn our legitimate fears and threats and challenges of terror into hatred of the other, into dismissing whole national or religious groups of people. That’s why extreme remarks in one or another way are very dangerous.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. They didn’t give a single argument as to how keeping Muslims out of the US would interfere with their freedom to practice their religion.

  2. This is stupid. They are equating Islam, a religion based on killing, destroying anyone who disagrees with them, started by a murdering, megalomaniac pedophile who preached hatred, with any other set of beliefs. Of course you don’t let them in if you want to sleep at night. As far as saying Jews are next,look how Jews are vilified anyway. Being politically correct will gain us and the U.S. nothing.

  3. Perhaps the Rambam, likely a more authoritative source than even the OU or RCA, paskins that islam is not avoda zara, so care should be taken not to lump the heinous murderers among them with all of the others.

  4. They could reject this all they want but they are major folks because we already ask what their religion is. We do this so that we could investigate them and see if what they are claiming is true that they are being persecuted. Please don’t fall for this socialist Liberal Democrat garbage. This has been going on for a long time. It’s a law on the books.

    I don’t understand of these dimwit don’t understand but this is a national security issue. Unfortunately they may CHV understand one day , but then it’ll be way too late.

    They would be better off staying in their offices in downtown Manhattan and shutting their mouths.

  5. Kudos to the OU and RCA for rejecting bigotry. Shame on the commenters who have assimilated into American culture so much that they don’t realize that bigotry has no place in Judaism.

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