Florida Mayor ‘Bans’ Donald Trump From City

trumpThere is a lot of backlash overDonald Trump’s proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. The Republican presidential candidate said he would ban Muslim immigrants and visitors. A short time after, St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman took to Twitter to voice his disagreement essentially with a “ban” of his own saying Trump wouldn’t be allowed in his city.

“I am hereby barring Donald Trump from entering St. Petersburg until we fully understand the dangerous threat posed by all Trumps,” Kriseman tweeted.

Just hours before Kriseman’s tweet, it was another Donald Trump speech heard around the world. Trump said, “We have no idea who is coming into our country. We have no idea if they love us or if they hate us. We have no idea if they want to bomb us.”

“We’re like the stupid country in so many different ways,” Trump went on to say. “Can you imagine what some of our great leaders of the past would have said with the crap that is happening with us?”


7 Responses

  1. I quickly googled the name of this dumb mayor to see what religion he is part of. As expected, he’s jewish. What a stupid liberal who bends over backwards to show how progressive he is.

    HaShem has put into each of His creatures the instinct of self preservation. These human debris AKA liberals have so lost their way that they don’t even care about their lives anymore. Och un vei if these are the ones who are sworn to protect us.

    Ein Lonu Al Mi L’heeshoain Ela Al Avinu Sh’Bashomayim!

  2. You can’t ban people under American law.

    Of course, people living the United States, whether they are citizens or aliens, can be prosecuted for adhering to, or giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States – and a simple resolution could declare the ISIS or al Queda are enemies.

  3. There is no question that Donald Trump speaks in an irresponsible way and would actually be a scary person to have as president. Having said that, there is a reason why he is getting such a receptive audience. Barack Obama, the non-president, has basically checked out as commander-in-chief. In his oval office speech, he has firmed up the opinion, that he is a lame duck, right when we need a real leader. No new ideas…just stay the course…that isn’t working. Add to that, his absolute refusal to utilize the words, “ISLAMIC TERROR”. So it is left to an irresponsible “rabble rouser” to give vent to the feelings of the “average Joe”.

  4. The real fact is that after most Americans seriously think about it, now that it’s actually on the table they may actually come to terms that with the current status queo America is a stupid people and that’s what the Muslims themselves think of us.

  5. America is finally realizing that its “freedom of” laws are causing it to put its foot in its mouth. Trump is right. We must have a better idea of who is coming here as is evident in all the attacks since 9-11. The only problem is that it may be too late to change that.

  6. the thought of Donald Chump being president is only slightly less scary than Adolph Hitler being president.
    The mayor of St. Petersburg id obviously spoofing Mr. Chump who, like Hitler, was considered a clown until he showed his tru colors.

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