The Miracle of Chanukah – Now your Kids can Safely Watch Constructive Video Programs

Smartphone for Chanuka[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

It is no secret that in the last few years children, including adults, consume more video content than in previous years. It started with watching videos on computer discs, progressed to watching videos on internet to today with everyone wanting to watch videos with a smartphone. The main problem starts with websites and applications like YouTube that also include, alongside legitimate programs, very problematic content.

During holiday times this situation is amplified due to the many hours that kids need to be occupied. Today, kids are not satisfied with conventional board games, reading or just playing with friends. They are exposed to the world of technology with its accompanying treasure of stimuli which their parents have to confront not only by creating occupation for them but also with the need to provide an answer for their need and desire to use technology, to be on par with their other friends and to advance with “progress.”

The options facing the parents is divided between two worlds – the world that bans the watching of content and overlooks the fact that some of the kids’ friends have access to content in their homes or with their smartphone and the world that understands we are dealing with a real problem that genuinely needs to be solved and most certainly not ignored.

Netspark Mobile Apps came into existence for these reasons. It is considered today the world’s leading content filtering app and is particularly suitable apart from other users for the ultra-orthodox and religious communities.

Netspark Mobile’s technology is the only one in the world of parental control apps with technology that filters video on YouTube in a way that allows parents to enable their kids to watch positive content and prevent them from viewing problematic content. Netspark Mobile’s advanced multi-level filtering choice only allows the showing of filtered and checked content before it can be viewed by the smartphone user. The amount of available films grows daily yet with Netspark technology scanning approx. 24 million new video films daily, the user can watch a large range of positive content and feel that he is receiving the best answer for his demands. The parent can also be relaxed in that the system does not allow access to problematic content. Even in the event that the child will accidently search for this, it will be automatically blocked by the system.

Netspark mobile Apps has special extra functions enabling parents to make their lives more stress-free and the lives of their children more secure. The world’s most advanced image filtering system that removes problematic photos, also when it is mixed in with positive content; the system filters approx. 200 million new pictures daily. There is a management system that control the surfing time of the kid’s smartphone with the option to restrict the amount of online time and games on their device. Finally the app includes an option for an internal detection system, activated only with explicit permission from the owner of the device. With this approval,

Netspark can provide the owner with an exact on-line location of the device. Installation of Netspark Mobile Apps can be carried out at all worldwide branches of “TAG,” “Guard Your Eyes” organization or directly from

5 Responses

  1. Why can you simply uncheck the box by the phone settings of device administrators. This is not foolproof at all. Easy to uninstall.

  2. I downloaded the app and checked it the last two weeks. No overconsumption of Data. The system works great. I would recommend the company to work a little on the user interface to be a bit more modern, but it’s nothing compared to the amazing performance of the system. Highly recommend.

  3. Number 2, you just do not know what you’re talking about – this system has the best protection in the field of removal. You probably do not know to install the application – if you install it properly with protection settings (or you contact an organization like TAG) – You can not bypass it. I spoke with the developers of Netspark they even have a version that if you try to do, Factory reset – you can not do it or remove the filter. So do not say things you do not understand them – just try to do damage is not conducive to anyone. There are tens of thousands of people their lives and their children, have become a lot more secured and comfortable thanks to this app.

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