NEW: Light Up Your Shabbos Table With A Stunning Zemiros For All Ages


The one of a kind zemiros that will truly enhance the shabbos table for all ages!

Does your child appreciate the full beauty of the shabbos zemiros?

For the first time ever, the entire family, can really understand the deeper meaning of the most beautiful zemiros, composed by some of the greatest sages thru-out the generations,and truly uplift the shabbos experience

This beautifully bound volume of over 200 pages features the most beautiful illustrations

by the world famous Yoel Waxberger, the greatest Heimishe artist today It also contains over 50 beautiful stories, and Niggunim for all special occasions

It includes many traditional minhagim and special segulos and it also has a section of yiddishe songs which do not appear in other book

For your convenience it comes in a personal size, and also a larger size ‘table size’

This one of a kind zemiros will truly enhance the shabbos table for all ages!

Available at Mefoar Judaica and All Better Judaica Stores
3919 13th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11218
Phone: 718 436-0707
[email protected]

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