WATCH: Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Speaks about ‘Stopping the Talking in Shul’ and the Current Situation in Israel

8 Responses

  1. He’s 100% correct
    There are many other reasons as well. This however is a big one.
    May Hashem have Rachmanus on Klal Yisroel.

  2. The first step has to be, to abolish the Mi-Shebeirachs, which are purely social politics, and are done in the middle of Krias Hatorah.
    A total Bezoyoin Ha’Tefillah.

  3. Why does “the first step have to be to abolish” something which has been printed in our siddurim and recited in our public places of worship for generations? Maybe the first step is to have everyone expected in shul by the start of pesukei d’zimra and remain in shul until after the last kaddish. So often I see the Beis Kenesses fill up only after barchu and be left almost without a minyan by leining (on Mondays and Thursdays) and really empty by keddushah d’sidra upon which, CHaZa”L say, the world stands. Can a Mi she’beirach compare to talking with Tefillin or during birchas kerias Shma and chazoras ha’shatz? Shmuzing during the drashah or, worse, criticizing it at your Shabbos table?! Donating to the shul, expressing gratitude to a friend or your blessings to a ba’al simchah is the problem? I don’t think so.

  4. I don’t think mi shibeirachs themselves are a problem. But they do give a couple of minutes where ppl start conversation. Better off going straight through and have no talking

  5. the reasons why americans talk in shul is because a typical Shabbos davening is modeled after sunday mass, starts at 9, long drawn out, usually accompanied by a sermon. that’s why hashkama minyanim tend to have much better decorum—its all business, without the sideshows that most people have come to hate. as for why theres talking in shuls in Israel….I have no idea.

  6. I am the Gabai in a Shul of 150 Mispallelim Ka”h. Unfortunately, I clearly see the motivation that people have, when they purposely make a Mi-shebeirach for certain people and purposely omit other people.
    Why does the Sefer Torah have to lay right in the middle of people standing around it, and carrying on social politics?
    These politics take away the whole inspiration that we should have for Davening in Shul.
    Once the inspiration is gone, people will Shmooze.

  7. ive heard this from Rabbis and they admit when the service is too long, people start to stray and begin to Talk

    The Meshubarach are a problem and the longer they harp on-the more talking occurs. The same problem occurs with Charatz Hshatz, people tend to talk during this.

    Their soultion was trying to speed up the davening

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