Mentors Mission to Eretz Yisroel – Impact Others. Impact Yourself.

kosel group shot[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

This December 29-January 3, join baalei batim for Ohr Somayach’s biannual Mentors Mission to Eretz Yisroel. Partner in Ohr Somayach’s kiruv efforts through invigorating daily mentor-student learning sessions with beginner students at the yeshiva, unparalleled ruach, an exciting and inspiring itinerary and thought provoking lectures from Ohr Somayach’s kiruv luminaries including Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Nota Schiller, Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz and Rav Dovid Gottlieb.

Experience a most uplifting Kabbolas Shabbos at the Kosel, a lively Melava Malka with the Simply Tsfat Band at Kever Dovid, ATV’ing in the desert, the brand new state of the art Friends of Zion Museum, Chamat HaGader hot springs, Kever Rambam on his yahrtzeitKever Rochel, a visit to Gedolim in Bnei Brak, camel riding and farewell banquet at Eretz BereishisKfar Kedemdonkey riding, tour of Tzipori and so much more!

Limited mentor spots still available. To register or for more info please contact Rabbi Binyomin Schonblum at 908-216-4470[email protected]

Highlights of this past Mentors Mission:

Mentors Mission to Eretz Yisroel – June 29-July 5, 2015 from Binyomin Schonblum on Vimeo.


Click on this link for more info and to see highlight’s of previous missions:

Join Us! YOU can make THE difference!


One Response

  1. Wonderful to hear! I was greatly impacted by a mentor on the last mission.

    Yasher loach to Reb Binyomin for impacting so many through the great program.

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