Shooting Attack at the Hizme Checkpoint; Palestinian Terrorist Shot Dead [UPDATED 12:18PM IL]


An 47-year-old man was moderately wounded on Thursday, and an Israeli soldier was lightly wounded, after a Palestinian terrorist opened fire from a car near the Hizma checkpoint outside of Jerusalem.

The following are the details.

At 11:12AM, a blue Hyundai sedan arrived at the Hizme Checkpoint. The vehicle was stopped for inspection. One soldier checked the vehicle while two others covered him.

The soldier asked the driver for his identity card and then headed towards the rear of the vehicle to open the trunk when suddenly, the driver exited the vehicle as he drew a handgun and fired at the soldier’s back. A number of the other soldiers immediately fired at the armed terrorist, killing him. The wounded soldier was hit by a piece of shrapnel. He refused transportation to a hospital.

Another man, described and an Israeli Arab, was hit by crossfire. Hadassah Ein Kerem reports the wounded man’s condition to be serious, not moderate are reported earlier.

Magen David Adom reports a 47-year-old man is being transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in moderate condition, with gunshot wounds to his upper torso.

The soldier, in his 20s, was treated on the scene for a very light injury and he refused transport.

It is explained the reason for the white Zaka body bag covering the terrorist and not black is that Zaka has not yet arrived on the scene and someone on the scene had a white bag and decided to use it.


11:07: An Israeli who was wounded by gunfire managed to get to the Hizme Checkpoint on the northern border of the capital, the entrance to Yerushalayim from the Shomron.

EMS has been summoned and soldiers and police at the checkpoint are now working to determine the events leading to his injuries.

More to follow.

11:15: There are two people wounded at the location, apparently one a victim and the second an attacker. The attacker’s condition is critical and the victim less serious. It is unknown if this was a terror attack.

11:17: It is now being reported that a terrorist fired at IDF soldiers somewhere between the Hizme Checkpoint and the direction of Mishor Adumim. The force returned fire. The terrorist is wounded seriously and a soldier appears wounded, albeit less seriously. There are many conflicting reports. We await clarification at this time.

11:20: Ichud Hatzalah reports it is on the scene treating one Israeli who is wounded. The attacker is dead according to the Ichud report.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo: Medabrim Tikshoret)

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