Emergency Meeting Tuesday Night to Discuss Government Involvement in Education

kanAn urgent kenos is scheduled for Tuesday night 19 Kislev to address growing government involvement in chareidi chinuch in Eretz Yisrael. The kenos is being organized by the Education Committee within the Torah Councils of both Agudas Yisrael and Degel Hatorah, representing chassidish and litvish Ashkenazi schools.

Dozens of principals of girl’s high schools are expected to attend. It is reported that HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita and the Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita will be in attendance at the event, which will be held at 25 Rashbam Street in Bnei Brak, the caravan beis medrash, beginning at 19:30.

The invitation is signed by Rabbi Avraham Rubinstein and Rabbi Yosef Drayman, secretaries of the Vaad Rabbonim for Chinuch.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It’s a lost case. They will not be able to undo what they’ve allowed for so long to takeover the chinch part of the schools. As long as they’re dependent on the governments money there will be the rush for unique maslulim in each school so they attract more students and thus gain more money per head…. This culture is so deep rooted in the system. Perhaps the rabbiniim should focus on how do we implement more chinuch and hashkafa to balance or overpower the academic powers in the school. The schools have brilliant minds teaching…. But not necessarily are they relevant in regards to their hashkafa and chinuch Sechel and approach…… In reality there is actually very little chinuch in israeli society cus where will they get the money to pay for a woman that just has it, understands how to get to the girls hearts, is a dugma….. If this is something a degree doesn’t supply, it’s a talent and gadlus and therefor the govt won’t pay for her………. One that knows the system in my dreams……. I can’t see anything productive coming out of this meeting….

  2. It would be nice if this would be in America too. The government involvement in schools are a big concern since the new curriculum “common core ” is being implemented. Jewish schools don’t even know what’s coming. The immorality that is part of the curriculum will seep into our kids Nechamos. Dr duke pesta explains it very well. It’s worthwhile to listen to him. It’s pretty scary how our children will be manipulated to think.

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