KIDDUSH HASHEM: Amid Blackout, Chabad Rabbi Delivers Coffee to Power Workers


Webster dictionary defines the Hebrew word “mitzvah” as “a meritorious or charitable act.”

Wednesday morning, Rabbi Yisroel Hahn was doing just that, reported KHQ News of Spokane, WA.

“You work hard, you wanna be appreciated,” Rabbi Hahn said as he drove to find linemen on south hill. All week, he has been delivering hot coffee to the workers, who say they have been working 16 hour shifts to restore power to the Inland Northwest.

The Rabbi lost power himself, but chose to help others instead of dwelling on his own situation.

“What else am I gonna do, sit at home be miserable? No! Go out and help people!”

The workers came from all over America to help get power to Spokane, but everywhere we went, it was the same story. Linemen working day and night. But through the cold, a little warmth, offered by the rabbi.

Rabbi Hahn is calling on people of all faiths to help out in the wake of the devastating storm, and says in a time of crisis the community needs to come together.

4 Responses

  1. Too bad Webster’s dictionary listened to reform rabbis define words.
    Mitzvah might be a good deed, but it’s only defined as “good” when it’s defined by a commander.
    “Mitzvah” = Commandment

  2. Additionally, the word mitzvah implies a method of connecting (tzevet is an office crew). So a mitzvah is a command from the King to perform an act which will inherently, although not necessarily explainable, join us.

  3. This is very nice. If I’m home when the sanitation workers or street sweepers come past and I have a minute or two I sometimes have coffee with them. No cost, little time and mountains of good will.

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