Mayor De Blasio: NYPD Commissioner Bratton Was Right To Criticize City Hall

debMayor Bill de Blasio is not disputing his police commissioner’s criticisms of how City Hall has battled New York City’s homelessness crisis.

William Bratton strayed off City Hall’s message last week when he said homelessness had “exploded” in the two years since de Blasio took office.

He also said the administration made “a mistake” in not publicly admitting the problem was growing.

The comments raised eyebrows but de Blasio on Monday agreed that he needed “to do a better job” of explaining the problem.

There are about 58,000 people in city shelters, up from when de Blasio took office. Another 3,000 to 4,000 people live on city streets.

This was not the first time Bratton has contradicted his boss. But de Blasio praised Bratton and said he “speaks his mind.”


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