Israel: Cabinet Approves Supplemental Income for Avreichim

mirThe cabinet in its weekly meeting on Sunday, 10 Kislev, approved supplemental income payments for avreichim. The move restores the situation prior to the actions of the previous Knesset, which eliminated the government assistance for avreichim. The move was compelled as one of the clauses included in coalition agreements insisted upon by chareidi parties.

The previous administration, the 19th Knesset, eliminated the payments in line with a move initiated by then Finance Minister Yair Lapid.

Representatives of chareidi parties in the past weeks have been negotiating with the relevant treasury officials to make this a reality while ensuring it is done in such a way it will withstand challenges to the High Court of Justice. According to MK Moshe Gafne, NIS 100 million will be budgeted for avreichim and an additional NIS 60 million for students. A special fund will be established to serve as the vehicle for the distribution of the funds. Eligibility requirements will be similar to those for receiving supplemental income such as one who does not own an apartment or a vehicle and does not travel abroad.

Minister Yaakov Litzman succeeded in amending the cabinet decision that instead of eligibility demanding a minimum of 45 documented hours of limud torah weekly, 40 hours will suffice.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Bh. Ashreinu. Only in klal Yisrael do we have political parties that are guided by daas torah. Only in klal Yisrael do we have political parties whose biggest aspiration is support of Limud Hatorah.

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