Trump Won’t Rule Out Independent Run for President

trumpRepublican Donald Trump says he might run as an independent candidate for president in 2016.

The billionaire and former reality show star is leading the race for the GOP nomination for the fourth straight month. But he says that if the Republican Party does not treat him fairly, he’ll “see what happens” and consider running as an independent.

Trump and other GOP candidates have signed pledges saying they promise to forgo independent campaigns and support the eventual GOP nominee.

Trump has been leading national polls consistently since summer. An independent presidential bid by Trump could strip the party of some of its core conservative voters and pose a threat to the eventual Republican nominee.


2 Responses

  1. 1. The Democrats are moving to the left, and most Republicans are moving to the right.

    2. Trump’s positions are actually very moderate. He was comfortable as a DLC Democrat (as was Clinton 20 years ago). On economic and social issues he tends to be almost RINO (e.g. pro-Kelso, pro-corporate welfare, not for small government).

    3. Trump is secular and loud, and will complete for the secular votg with the Democrats, as well as for the working class “anger” vote. Carson and Rubio (and most of the other Republicans) are religious, polite and well mannered.

    As long as the Democrats are moving radically to the left, as they appear to be, itg could be an interesting three way race.

  2. I guess his thinking is if you don’t do it my way I’ll take my ball and go home. Please, Please do it and insure a Democratic presidency in 2016.

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