An Entirely New Level: The Czuker Edition Mikra’os Gedolos on Yehoshua/Shoftim


Close to 500 years ago, the revolutionary idea of Mikra’os Gedolos was introduced, in which Torah commentaries were printed on the same page as the text they discussed.

The Czuker Edition Mikra’os Gedolos on Chumash in Hebrew took that concept to an entirely new level. And now that new level of excellence includes the Nevi’im, as ArtScroll announces the publication of the Czuker Edition Mikra’os Gedolos on Yehoshua/Shoftim.

We are deeply gratified that many major Gedolei Torah and Admorim in America and Eretz Yisroel have adapted this new edition as their Nach of choice. In only a few days after publication, it has already become a bestseller and gone into reprint. No effort and expense has been spared to make the new Czuker Edition the new standard of excellence, so the public acceptance and acclaim is particularly gratifying.

A new level of accuracy: The text of every commentary was intensively researched. Scholars used the most accepted edition available as their “base text” and then compared it with other editions, ensuring an unprecedented level of textual accuracy.

A new level of commentary: In addition to all the standard commentaries, such as Rashi, Radak, Metzudos, and Malbim, this edition of Yehoshua/Shoftim includes mefarshim not previously appearing on the Mikra’os Gedolos page. Here are just a few of the 24 (!) commentaries included on the page:

  • Maharal: Rabbi Menachem Mendel Brayer’s sefer, Peirushei Maharal, which excerpts the citations and discussions of pesukim in Nach from the Maharal’s writings.
  • Rishon L’Tzion: The Ohr HaChayim’s commentary on Nach.
  • Sifsei Zekeinim: Modeled on the Sifsei Chachmim al HaTorah, this includes five commentaries on Rashi on Nach, combined into one running commentary.
  • Likutei Shas v’Midrashei ha’Tannaim: An anthology of the Talmudic and Midrashic expositions on the pasukim of the Navi.

A  new level of readability: Every commentary is menukad (vowelized). All abbreviations are “opened up” and the text is punctuated. When a commentary quotes another sefer, the source citation is noted.

A new level of Haftarah learning: When the portion of Navi is read as the Haftarah, it is marked visually by a grey bar, and details of when the specific haftarah is read are marked in the margin. This includes the nusach of Ashkenazim and Sefardim.

A new level of visual features: A professional cartographer, working closely with our team of talmidei chachamim, created detailed topographical maps, offering a much clearer picture of the battles for Eretz Yisrael and the apportioning of each shevet’s nachalah. Every tribe’s portion is also mapped according to the differing opinions of Rashi and the Gra. Other maps and charts include the 48 cities of the Levi’im and a timeline of important events.

A new level of book design and production: State-of-the-art typography ensures a wonderful reading experience. The binding is side-sewn, library-quality and the paper is acid-free and opaque, specially milled to ensure that the volumes will last for generations.

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