A Statement from Yeshivat Ashreinu (Yeshiva of Ezra Schwartz HY’D)

4  Ezra SchwartzThe following is a  statement from Yeshivat Ashreinu.

It is with deep sadness and anguish that Yeshivat Ashreinu mourns the unspeakable, tragic loss suffered by our Yeshiva today. Our student, Ezra Schwartz, lost his life in a terrorist attack as a group of our students, on their way to a routinely scheduled Yeshiva volunteer program with one of our regular drivers, were among those attacked by a terrorist in the Gush Etzion area. No other boys were physically wounded and all of our students are accounted for.

Grief counselors have been on site in the Yeshiva in order to assist our students as they deal with this horrible event.

The funeral for Ezra Schwartz will be in the USA.

May Hashem comfort us and grant us strength.

Rabbi Gotch Yudin, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivat Ashreinu, Beit Shemesh

3 Responses

  1. Every Jew should be concerned that the OU today urged the White House to bring in many Syrian Migrants. When the USA allowed WWII refugees into America, they had acknowledged the enemy, Nazism and Fascism, and were fighting to Destroy it. The current President does not even want to name the enemy, nor fight it.

    Why would anyone encourage Syrian Immigration to the USA, When it has been found that Syrian Passports are routinely forged, and it is not possible to determine who these people are. There are many rival terror factions fighting, and these migrants could be an ISIS fighter, or Al Qaeda, or Hizbollah, Hamas, or pro- Assads group, there is no way to know. We do know that Syrians as a whole are not pro-Israel, to say the least, and anti-semitic at the worst. Also, this is the only group who is not seeking to adopt Western culture and values as other immigrant groups have, they are fleeing oppressive regimes, and then seek to dominate and oppress the host country with the same Islamist Fascism that they fled from. In Belgium and France, where many of these Migrants have settled, we see that They are intolerant of others religions. Why would the OU be encouraging this? The Liberal Left have used the guise of Tolerance, Fairness, Justice, to shield the Intolerant and the unjust. Please call the OU and demand they retract their endorsement of Syrian migrants to the USA

  2. The levaya will not be until Sunday as the body is being flown back from Israel on Motzei Shabbat. I am sure they will post more details when they know.

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