Hikind Thrilled with Signage Improvement at Ocean Parkway and Bay Parkway; Additional Changes at Dangerous Intersection to Come

hAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) announced that the Department of Transportation has begun a series of improvements along Ocean Parkway, starting with a signage change at the intersection of Ocean Parkway and Bay Parkway, which will give drivers more advanced notice of the right turn ahead.

“I am thrilled that the Department of Transportation has moved the sign that read Bay Parkway 70 feet north of the intersection with Ocean Parkway. Previously, the sign was at the corner, which did not give an opportunity for drivers in the middle or left lanes to switch to the right lane. This is a much needed improvement which will give drivers more notice prior to turning onto Bay Parkway,” Hikind said. “I look forward to announcing additional safety enhancements at this area in the upcoming weeks.”

Hikind in particular thanked Keith Bray, Brooklyn Borough Commissioner at the New York City Department of Transportation as well as the New York State Department of Transportation for expediting this change. Hikind has long been advocating for safety enhancements along Ocean Parkway. There have been numerous accidents at the intersection of Ocean Parkway and Bay Parkway, most recently last week.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Big deal!!
    How about real changes such as turning lanes and turning lights on corners like Ave. J and I and 18th Ave.
    One can sit on Ave. J for 3-4 lights until able to turn onto Ocean Pkway!
    And how about school bus regulations changes for as is, the traffic around town is like Manhattan streets. Drivers put on their red lights while mom is still wiping the children’s faces clean from the cereal and milk and then they shmooz with drivers, etc. while the red lights are flashing and drivers are expected to wait!
    These, I submit, are bigger problems than a poor sign on Ocean Pkway.

  2. The big issue is the B11 bus route from Boro Park. What a joke. They come 2 together then you can wait very long for the next one. At rush hour there are not enough of them. When they finally come you can’ get on since many students(girls) are getting out of school at that time.

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