Concentration Camp Uniforms, Protests, and Halacha

chThe Nazis are known as the most vile and loathsome evil of living memory. It is thus particularly appalling when, to make a point, Jews apply this imagery to other people, let alone to other Jews.

Protesting the IDF draft toward Yeshiva students is one thing, but using Nazi imagery to make the point is not only a violation of sensibilities, but, in all probability, a violation of halacha as well. The fact that this was done a second time recently, and in front of the Toldos Aharon Rebbe yet a second time, makes it necessary to voice how appalling it is.

There are no less than three issues as to how very wrong this is.


When a holocaust survivor sees these horrible pictures of children in concentration camp uniforms, it is a very serious violation of Onaah. It causes the survivor pain and anguish. This is a violation of the verse in Vayikra, “velo sonu Ish es amiso – (VaYikra 25:17).”

The Mitzvah is generally called “Onaas Dvarim” or just plain “Onaah.”The Sfas Emes explains that the main reason behind this Mitzvah is so that we will all have a sense of complete oneness as a people. Causing another pain was prohibited because it causes division within us as a people. This is Onaah to the thousands of survivors.


The second issue is the fact that it truly debases the memories of the Kedoshim killed al kidush Hashem in the concentration camps of the Nazis yimach sh’mam. It cheapens the deaths of those that have passed on in the holocaust – the shochenei afar.

Those who perished in the holocaust are considered kedoshim martyrs. They died al Kiddush Hashem – because they were part of Hashem’s nation. Debasing their memory is a horrific aveirah.


The third issue is the fact that the use of such imagery essentially places the label of “Nazi” on fellow Jews. The Gemorah in Kiddushin (28a) discusses the vile nature of three things:

• Calling someone an “eved.”
• Labelling another with the term “Mamzer.”
• Someone who labels another with the term “Rasha.”

Here, with the labelling of fellow Jews as the most evil of Rashaim that there are – a new boundary has been crossed far beyond the discussion in the Gemorah.

Some explain this that for such a person it is permitted to a] hate him b] enter into competition with his business and c] reduce his income by 1/3rd (see Rashi).

Furthermore, one who applies to another a negative appellation is counted among those who go down to Gehenam and do not arise (See Bava Metziah 58b).

Everyone is entitled to their own views. But we must exercise extreme caution to make sure that when making a point, Torah violations should not be stepped upon. The use of this imagery is in horrible taste and underscores a terrible insensitivity both to halacha and to others.

Those who are responsible for this should apologize for these three violations and look to protest in some other way.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. Rabbi Hoffman: I generally thoroughly enjoy your well organized and extremely informative “shiurim” (article is the wrong word for such Torah – filled treasure chests). However, please consider, that if indeed these protests took place in front of the Toldos Aharon Rebbe, Rabbi Hoffman should be bringing up his ta’anos to him and not in a public forum. If he doesn’t feel the Rebbe is culpable, then his name should not be mentioned.

  2. Kol hakovod and yasher koach to Rav Hoffman for a simple and eloquent statement on these disgusting images and chilul hashem perpetrated by those who dress their yinglach in the l’vush of the kadoshim of the holocaust. May we be zocheh to see these disgusting excuses for yidden suffer the consequences of the pain they impose on the survivors of the shoah and disrepsct for those who were niftar al kidush hashem.

  3. I agree 100% with the author. I too am against forced army service. However, such behavior is incredibly shameful. It comes from narrow mindedness and serving the new religion “anti-Zionism” which held above Yiddishkeit and decency by some people, who ironically, consider themselves (very) frum.

  4. What are the qualifications of the great Rabbi Hoffman that he can stand against the genuine Gedolim we see in the picture above? Doesn’t he imagine they have learnt any Torah? Is he seriously suggesting that the Gedolim here should be hated and that they will go to gehinom? Does that include the Toldos Aharon Rebbe? The Rebbe Shlita has seen this type of demonstration dress before. He is brighter than you Rabbi Hoffman and could have asked if the theme was going to be the same again and either said NO or absented himself. Finally maybe if you moved to Eretz Yisroel instead of pontificating from afar you would have some understanding of how critical this issue is for the whole of Am Yisroel.

  5. The author of this article writes:
    “When a holocaust survivor sees these horrible pictures of children in concentration camp uniforms, it is a very serious violation of Onaah. It causes the survivor pain and anguish. This is a violation of the verse in Vayikra, “velo sonu Ish es amiso – (VaYikra 25:17).”

    But when other holocaust survivors -(probably unknown to the author)see pig eating Mechalel Shabbos in the Holy land. This reminds them of what they had endured in the concentration camp just to REMAIN a Torah Jew. Constantly seeing Torah violated is a non stop reminder of the “Kastner train deal”, “Yaldei Teheran”, Yemenite parents crying day and night over their children being kidnapped from their Jewish heritage, …………..(just to mention a few).
    This causes these survivors extreme pain and anguish. Which is a violation of the verse in Vayikra, “velo sonu Ish es amiso – (VaYikra 25:17).

  6. Kol Hakavod to #’s 1-6-7 for standing up for kavod haTorah, right on the mark! These are not some fringe element neturei karta people these are thousands of ehrliche bnei Torah, the Toldos Aharon Rebbe Shlit”a and the dayonim of the Eida Hachareidis Shlit”a descendants of families who lived in Yerushalayim for many years before the state. They are entitled to express their valid feelings and thousands of people are not mindless followers and imbicels. There are other valid derachim and shitos regarding these matters but don’t mach avek a substantial number of ehrlicher Yidden and tzadikim who feel this way.

  7. rew, so hurting other Holocaust survivors, making enemies of those who are moser nefesh to protect us from 2 footed Muslim terrorists, and acring stupid will make baalei teshuvas from the secular Zionists? And what about the frum people who have a different shittah than you? Anti-Zionists don’t own Yiddishkeit. There are enough from Robbanim who, while they are against secular Zionism and a forced army draft, have accepted REALITY of a Zionist and our needed protection from the Muslim Arabs with Hashem’s help and the IDF as shluchim. That is REALITY. Stop living outside of REALITY.

    Yes, protests against the draft should be made. But it should be made in a logical, decent way. You can’t do whatever you want with the excuse that your action is “l’shem shamayim”.

  8. Avreimi-
    I am greatfull to Rabbi Hoffman for standing up for Torah true Judaism. I see no genuine gedolim in the picture above, only dead ending sinas chinamists who have utterly failed to take the teachings of our holy Torah to heart.
    (and have also failed to make the Torah relavant for this generation.)

  9. Let them all move to Ramallah and Um-Al-Fahm and be protected by the PLO.Thank you Rabby Hoffman for standing tall against encroaching fanaticism and hate. Thank you.

  10. Ein Tzadik Booretz Ahsher Yaseh Toiv Veloi Yechtoh. If Moshe Rabenu committed a sin on his level, surely any living Rabbi today is capable of making a mistake. This mindset that some people have, that a Rebbe is Kodesh Kadshim and cannot make a mistake is naive as well as dangerous

  11. I find these demonstrations just as jarring as Rabbi Hoffman does, but the fact remains that eminent gedolim support them. So Rabbi Hoffman has a “kashya”. I hear the kashya but as the expression goes, “kashyos aren’t fatal”.

    Denigrating gedolim, even implicitly, on the other hand, *is* fatal. Caution is advised!

    Finally, in the spirit of “you can tell a man by his friends”, the people supporting Rabbi Hoffman here are the ones who typically engage in open denigration of gedolim on their own. Just read their remarks: “dead ending chinamists”, “encroaching fanaticism and hate”, etc.

    Does Rabbi Hoffman really want people like this in his corner?

  12. Mr. Eli,
    You’re obfuscating. Dressing children in concentration garb is evil, disgusting and offensive no matter who supports it. You should rethink the meaning of the word “gadol”. Please answer this:
    Do you want your children dressed like this, especially when Holocaust survivors are still alive? I’m a child of Holocaust survivors. This is shocking display of insensitivity and callousness. Is this Torah?

  13. And caution to you too.
    Using a “uniform” that millions of Jews and other innocent humans wore while being tortured, mutilated, humiliated and made to suffer missat meshunot for ANY agenda can also be fatal.

  14. I’m not sure why u think u have the right to write an article against the toldos Aron rebbe and the other gedolim in that picture. Who are you???

  15. Eli willner-
    In the spirit of “you can tell a man by his friends”,you seem to be selective as to who you apply that spirit.
    The perceived “gedolim” in the picture above took time out of their busy scheduals to attend a jewish hate fest, that for at least the second time, involved children being used as pawns by extremists(with the full nachas of their parents).Their presence speaks volumes as to whom their “friends” are. If they are blinded to believe that sitting on the same side of the table with such anti Torah misfits is somehow justified by protecting the crumbling chareidi establishment, then I have no reservation to publicly renounce these formerly esteemed rabbis as having done a great dishoner to Torah True Judaism.
    The ultimate denigration to real Gedolim is to include dead ending sinas chinamists among the lineup of gedolim.
    If people are truly concerned about kavod HaTorah, they should stand up when its honor is trampeled, regardless of the tramplers frock length and dais ranking.
    And kashyos can and have been spiritualy fatal to a huge number of young people who have left yidishkeit because of these arguments and abhorent reactions.
    So Rabbi Wilner, before you brush aside these “harmless” kashyos out of fear to confront one of todays most critical challenges to face my generation,perhaps instead you should ask yourself what you have done today to prevent the hijacking of the very values you claim to hold dear?

  16. G-d Bless Rabbi Hoffman for speaking for all of us who are horrified by this disgusting display of “Open Orthodoxy” Open for Sinas Chinum and Kafui Tov Hatov to those soldiers defending the very bima that they are sitting on.

  17. I have personally asked one of the main רבנים of the בד״ץ who they would rather, Hamas or the PLO?!!! He told Me NONE! What we need is משיח!!!

  18. these images are beneath contempt. irrespective of the issue can anyone respect any rosh Yeshiva who permits his students to be so manipulated. Nothing can justify. In Hamas land children are so exploited. is this the level to which we have sunk? Where is the outcry of the Charedi community about this avala?

  19. Which Gedolim actually support this sickening demonstration?

    And I apologize if I’m not being politically correct… I don’t know much about Toldos Aharon… what makes the Toldos Aharon Rebbe a Gadol? There are many many Chasideshe sects, most of the Rebbeim have some sort of yichus to the previous Rebbe… is every leader of ever Chasideshe sect a gadol? Please enlighten me because I find it hard to believe that a Gadol would support such a disgusting act.

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