Obama Says GOP Incitement On Syria Refugees ‘Needs To Stop’

obPresident Barack Obama is accusing Republicans who oppose allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S. of being scared of widows and orphans. He says the political posturing “needs to stop.”

Obama is addressing calls from GOP leaders for an immediate, temporary closure of America’s borders to Syria refugees. He says those Republicans “think they’re so tough.”

Obama says he’s open to ideas for enhancing the screening process but adds that’s not what’s happening in the political debate. He says the idea of only allowing Christian Syrians to enter runs contrary to American values.

He says rhetoric like that is a potential recruitment tool for the Islamic State group.

Obama says the screening process is rigorous. He says the U.S. isn’t well served by decisions based on hysteria or exaggeration of risk.


4 Responses

  1. The man is either delusional or an outright sellout to the enemy. THATS RIGHT, I SAID IT!!

    He once again just proves what a neophyte he is in the world arena and after being in office for 7 years there’s no excuse for that.

    He pulled out an old tactic of his to completely dismiss and ridicule anyone who has an opposing viewpoint as if he and only he knows all the right answers. He claims as he has done over and over agin that he’s willing to listen to anyone who has other ideas but he never listens. Name one thing he has changed his mind about. Once it’s made up in his mind no one has the right to question him.

    His arrogance is beyond what we have ever seen before. And he doesn’t even have a record to be arrogant about.

  2. This evil man needs to be stopped!!!

    it’s bad enough when he talks about things like how much the economy is better under his watch, which we all know is NOT the case, but now he is taking is politics to a level that puts millions of Americans in immediate danger!!!!

    I hope the repubs fights back

  3. Obama’s rule of America has gone from ideology before country to being absolutely cruel to Americans. He talks of exaggerated fears in the face of attacks that have actually happened. He talks of a “rigorous” vetting process for refugees, but his words carry no weight after all the other empty verbiage he’s uttered over 7 years. The presidential oath of office includes the phrase “I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States.” Mr Obama has intentionally failed to faithfully execute his office, meaning that he is in violation of the Constitution from that point alone. Combine that with all the anti-American things he has done and continues to do. He has a mountain of offences that demand impeachment, which carries with it a forfeiture of the pension and office expense allowances provided to former presidents, and a prohibition on ever again holding any public office.

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