Congressman, State Lawmaker: Keep Syrian Refugees Out Of NY

nyA Republican member of New York’s Congressional delegation and a Republican state assemblyman are urging Gov. Andrew Cuomo to prevent Syrian refugees from being placed in the state.

U.S. Rep. Chris Collins and Assemblyman Christopher Friend cited the threat of terrorism Monday when they called on Cuomo to reject additional refugees from the war-torn Middle Eastern nation.

Several governors around the country are threatening to halt efforts to allow Syrian refugees into their states following the coordinated attacks in Paris, though immigration experts say under the Refugee Act of 1980 governors cannot legally block refugees from settling in their communities.

A spokesman for Cuomo, a Democrat, declined to comment on the request.

Some 48 Syrian refugees have settled in New York so far this year according to a federal database.


One Response

  1. Hats off to Mr.s Collins & Friend. This stand should have been taken a long time ago. Moreover, after 9/11, all Immigration from Muslim countries should have been banned, to protect US citizens – these people are a major mass murder/death threat. The US Constitution, originally written to protect its citizens from evil outside and inside forces has been so thoroughly misapplied, skewed, and torn apart that its authors must be turning over in their graves. The obvious disrespect for our forefathers and the Constitution they wrote is conspicuously apparent and mind boggling from the mere fact that our now President for two terms, was allowed to run in the first place – shen indeed his birth as an American (as per the Constitutional definition) was, is, and always will be questionable.
    The meaning of the word, “DEMOCRACY”, has been distorted to allow a society worse than the jungle to take over our country. In jungles there are not the tools or ability for the murder of masses of innocent people, that are found in both Democratic and all other societies today.
    The Constitution was meant as a protection for US citizens, with meaning to protect Natural Born US citizens first.
    During the time of WWII and pre WWII, there were caps on the number of Jews allowed to enter, so they could be saved from the gas chambers,because supposedly they posed a populational and economic danger. But today carte blanche has been given to allow for the easy entry and immigration of our TERRORIST enemies, endangering the very lives of our citizens and what our DEMOCRACY was meant to stand for.

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