On Which Mitzva Did The Holy Rabbi Pinchas Mi’koritz say, Yesh Koneh Olamo Besha’ah Achas?


The holy Rebbe, Rabbi Pinchas Mi’Koritz, once gathered his Talmidim and told them. You should all know, that the Mitzvah of marrying off an orphan girl is so big and so much appreciated in Heaven, that with this one good deed, you will merit your Olam Habah at once. Like Chazal say, Yesh Koneh Olamo Besha’ah Achas!


Dear Readers, not too long ago Esther W. (23) from Jerusalem lost her father in a tragedy. When Esther was a little child her parents got divorced. Unfortunately, Esther’s mother didn’t want anything to do with her anymore. Being an only child, with no immediate family, there is no one to care of Esther’s needs.


To Read The Full Story Please Click Here
Esther wants to get married. She wants to move on in life. Esther wants to experience joy and happiness. But without basic necessities, and minimal funds, Esther can’t get married.

With no parents and no family to take care of her, let’s all step in and arm ourselves today with this exceptional and unique Mitzva. Let’s gift Esther with the chance of a new beginning, and help her to fulfill her dreams of building a Bayis Ne’eman Beyisroel.

I would once again like to express my utmost gratitude and personally thank our hundreds of donors for their generous support.

With sincere appreciation,
Michoel Rottenberg, Lakewood

Campaign endorsed By Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and Rabbi Ahron Leib Steinman Shlita, Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, Rabbi Yaakov Meir Schechter, Rabbi Yaakov Hillel and Rav Wosner Shlita.

To donate online please click here.
To donate over the phone please call: 1-908-670-1577

Checks could me made out too:

Keren Esther W.
1455 Heathwood Ave
Lakewood NJ 08701

Donations are Tax-Deductible

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