Historic Shidduch Opportunities for Previously Married Individuals on the Horizon

IMG-20151111-WA0004In addition to the most widely discussed “Shidduch Crisis,” another Shidduch Crisis has been brewing for years – and has reached a boiling point.

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of men and women within our communities who have been previously married, and have either gotten divorced or R”l lost a spouse. In addition, there are scores of older singles, both boys and girls, who are open to dating someone who has been previously married.

They are eager to build a new bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel, and have the qualities to make extraordinary husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. Yet, they face unique challenges: Men and women in this market are of very diverse ages and backgrounds, living in a cross section of communities. It is very difficult for shadchanim to become aware of them and think of appropriate shidduchim.

At last, something is being done.

Bayis Shaini– One of a Kind Focus

Bayis Shaini is the sole organization dedicated exclusively to help previously married men and women, and the older singles willing to date them, find shidduchim. The organization has a network of prescreened quality shadchanim who are committed to finding shidduchim for men and women in this market. These shadchanim have access – with the utmost confidentiality – to the Bayis Shaini computerized database, featuring hundreds of resume’s and other necessary information.

The men and women in the Bayis Shaini database are highly diverse in age, background, and community of residence – a true cross section of North American frum Jewry. Likewise, the Bayis Shaini shadchanim  – both men and women – are very diverse. With this unique database and the focus of so many different shadchanim, new windows of opportunity are opened. Several shidduchim have already been finalized through the Bayis Shaini program. Men and women, boys and girls, who have gone for months, even years, without hearing a relevant shidduch suggestion, now receive numerous of them.

Upcoming Brooklyn Shidduch Event – A Special Opportunity to Join

Bayis Shaini’s first public shidduch event was in Monsey in May, attracting a total of nearly 200 men and women from throughout the metropolitan region.

Following the Monsey event’s success, and strong demand from previously married individuals and older singles, the organization has arranged for another special shidduch event. It will be held on Sunday, November 29th, in the Anshe Sfard hall in Boro Park. Women’s hours are from 12:00 to 2:30 pm, and men’s hours are from 3:30 to 6:00 pm. At least 40 shadchanim from diverse communities will be present to meet attendees and enter their information into the Bayis Shaini database. The shadchanim will then dedicate themselves to help find shidduchim for them, as well as the others already in the database.

Participation in this shidduch event is by RSVP only, and limited to 100 slots each, for men and women, so that each participant can enjoy the respect and focus they deserve. Our community can look forward to many more “Mazel Tov!”s in the months and years ahead, with Hashem’s help.

If you are aged 18-45 and have been previously married, or are open to date someone who has been, you can RSVP by emailing [email protected]. Only a limited number of slots are still available!





3 Responses

  1. Noble idea.
    Ignoble wording: willing to date them, market.
    Self-defeating idea: Women’s hours are from 12:00 to 2:30 pm, and men’s hours are from 3:30 to 6:00 pm.

    But its a step in the right direction.

  2. And what of us who are 60 and older? I got divorced at age 35 and would love to have the opportunity to remarry! We are also people and we, too,deserve to have a chance at a healthy marriage!

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