New York Governor Raising Minimum Wage for State Employees

mwaNew York’s governor is raising the minimum wage for about 10,000 state workers to $15 an hour over the next six years.

Andrew Cuomo’s office says that will initially affect about 1,000 office assistants, custodial workers and lifeguards in New York City, whose hourly wage will reach $15 by the end of 2018.

Another 9,000 employees upstate will see wages rise to that level three years later.

New York’s basic minimum wage is now $8.75 and is set to rise to $9 at year’s end.

The Democratic governor has called for a $15 basic minimum, which state Senate Republicans oppose.

A state wage board recently agreed to increase the minimum wage for chain fast-food workers in annual increments to $15 by the end of 2018 in New York City and for others by July 1, 2021.


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