Rabbi Lazer Brody shlit”a in New York


Rabbi Lazer Brody will be wrapping up Breslev Israel’s highly acclaimed tour, “Emuna: The REAL War on Terror” in New York beginning Thursday, November 5. His first talk will be in Manhattan, and he will be giving a firsthand account of what is happening in Israel today. He will also reveal what we in the States can do to sweeten these difficult times.

Rabbi Brody will be speaking at an eagerly-awaited Shabbaton in Boro Park at the Seville Manor Hall. Join him for a spiritually strengthening and uplifting experience. Everyone speaks about having emuna, but few can give practical advice on how to achieve it. Let this Shabbat be the start of a new, stronger connection between you and Hashem.

On motzei Shabbos he will be hosting a special event exclusively for women and girls in Boro Park.

Sunday, Rabbi Brody will be speaking in Elizabeth, New Jersey. He will be addressing the reason our challenges are so intense these days, and helping us to find Hashem’s love within all of our difficulties. Don’t miss this unforgettable lecture!

Monday, Rabbi Brody will be speaking in Teaneck, New Jersey at Congregation Shaarei Or. He will be revealing the secret, master key to unlocking all of life’s blessings. Gratitude is not a feeling we should have only when things go well for us. Understanding this vital concept, which is included in the Rambam’s 13 Principles of Faith, is the real secret to a happy life. How can we bring that knowledge from our heads to our hearts? Come to the talk and find out!

Tuesday night is the final night of the tour. Rabbi Brody will be in Brooklyn speaking about what’s really going on in Israel today. Join him for the final talk at Maayan Yisroel!

Dr. Zev Ballen, the only psychotherapist in the world that has been hand-picked to combine Rav Shalom Arush’s shlit”a teachings of emuna with therapy, will also be speaking at each event. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Ballen has helped thousands of people overcome seemingly impossible challenges in a fraction of the time by incorporating emuna-oriented techniques in his therapy.

Click HERE for full tour details.

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