Community to Honor Congress for Support of Iron Dome

SaveTheDate2015-page-001_01By: Keili Cohen and Hannah Levin

Where would Israel stand without the Iron Dome Missile Defense System?

With each deployment of the Iron Dome countless lives are saved. Israel’s Missile Defense systems- Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow, are designed to be complementary, each one providing protection against rockets and missiles of different size and range.

On November 5, 2015, The Friedlander Group, a NYC and Washington DC based public affairs company, in conjunction with Project Legacy, will be coordinating the third annual Congressional Tribute to the US-Israel Security Alliance. The purpose of the event is to honor members of Congress, who have been instrumental in securing funding for Israel’s crucial anti-missile defense systems.

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Since 2009, The United States Congress has allocated an unprecedented amount in funding for the Iron Dome. This funding is not just an investment in technology, it is an investment in human lives. The National Defense Authorization bill for the 2016 fiscal year allocates up to $371.2 million for various U.S.-Israeli joint missile defense systems. “We owe a special appreciation to the members of Congress whose leadership has enabled this crucial funding. Now, more than ever, we must continue to honor the U.S.-Israel Security Alliance and those who work tirelessly to maintain it,” said Eli Verschleiser, Co-Chair of the Tribute and Chairman of The Multi Group of Companies, a private equity real estate investment banking firm. Mr. Verschleiser has been involved in over $7 Billion of real estate transactions. He is also an influential Philanthropist, serving as a board member of the American Jewish Congress, Co-Founder of, and President for Our Place, a non-profit organization that provides support, shelter, and counseling for troubled Jewish youth.

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“The development of Israel’s Defense Program has been a collaborative effort between Israel and the United States – two countries for which there is no greater value than the sanctity of life,” says Miles Berger, Co-Chair of the event. Mr. Berger is Chairman of The Berger Organization, a residential, hospitality and commercial real estate firm encompassing more than 1 million square feet of office space and 12 hospitality properties in Northern New Jersey and New York City.

“The performance and success of this system has been outstanding in its ability to intercept and destroy enemy rocket fire before it reaches population centers, preventing widespread devastation,” said Co-Chair Joseph B. Stamm, who is the CEO of NYCHSRO/MedReview Inc. a company that provides healthcare audits. The company has saved its clients over $1 billion since it was founded 40 years ago and now operates in 25 states.

AvIhIr7ok1X_AdYwp96h1iM_GuBqxt8c5_1bm8B9LaZePHOTO CAPTION:  Joseph B. Stamm

This year’s honorees include: Ed Royce, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa; Doug Lamborn, Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces; Nita Lowey, Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee; Ted Deutch, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa; Hal Rogers, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee; Peter Roskam, Co-Chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus; Eliot Engel, Ranking Member of Foreign Affairs Committee; Mike Rogers, Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces; Derek Kilmer, Member of House Appropriations Committee; Congressman Jim Bridenstine; Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chair of the Democratic National Committee; Rodney Frelinghuysen, Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense; Kay Granger, Vice Chair of House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense and Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations; Steny Hoyer, House Democratic Whip; Luke Messer, Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee and Mike Turner, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee on Tactical Land and Air Forces.

“The unwavering commitment of Congress to defend Israel has been proven time and time again, reaffirming America’s commitment to Israel’s security. Through the funding by both the House and Senate, Israel has been provided with a force field of protection as she defends herself against those who do not view freedom, democracy, and equality as common values. This mutual ground upon which both America and Israel have been built has strengthened their everlasting friendship in the fight against terror, wherever it may be,” said Ezra Friedlander, CEO of The Friedlander Group.

AknegDRcN1fnV_vskaMyBwGdRBXfXGPLNNtIHY8mXkzrPHOTO CAPTION:  Ezra Friedlander

Sol Goldner is CEO of Goldstar Healthcare LLC, a company that acquires and manages long term care facilities. Mr. Goldner is Co-Chairman of the West Coast Friends of Laniado Hospital in Netanya, Israel. He also serves on the Boards of Bais Yaakov and Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles. As Co-Chair of the tribute Goldner asserts that, “Anti-ballistic systems play a crucial role in protecting innocent civilians from enemy fire, something Israel has unfortunately become accustomed to. The Iron Dome Missile Defense System is a technological masterpiece, a shared victory for Israel and The U.S.”

20151104071320PHOTO CAPTION:   Sol Goldner

“Last year during Operation Protective Edge I went on a mission of support and I can tell you first hand that my life was probably saved by Iron Dome as it took out a missile right above us,” said Co-Chair Leon Goldenberg. Goldenberg is a veteran Jewish communal activist, who serves in a leadership capacity for numerous Jewish organizations including Agudath Israel of America, COJO of Flatbush and Shalom Torah Centers. He is the CEO of Goldmont Realty Corp. and host of the radio show, Community Matters.  His advice and counsel on Jewish communal issues is sought by Local, State and Federal elected officials.

Leon-Goldenberg-Ceo-Goldmont-Realty-205x300PHOTO CAPTION:   Leon Goldenberg

Stanley Treitel is a prominent member of the Los Angeles community. He has played a major role in many political and charitable endeavors. He has advised countless officials on the United States’ relationship with Israel. He has also organized the Jerusalem Conference in Washington, D.C. He has stated in reference to Israel’s Missile Defense Systems that, “The Iron Dome doesn’t only save lives, it prevents wars. It’s a game changer, But behind the Iron Dome stands a marble dome – the Capitol of the United States of America.”

AkyMp6RpGtW8FwpBMi_vxduqbsLIQ8Ha7MrM6Re9G4BoPHOTO CAPTION:    Stanley Treitel 



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