Elad Compromise: Sephardi Girls Remain in School And The School Receives a License

csgThe Jerusalem District Court has ruled in the case involving the Darchei Chana High School in Elad. In line with the court-brokered agreement, the school will pull its case challenging the Ministry of Education’s decision compelling it to accept a number of Sephardi girls, will act to immediately end a strike and accept the girls in question without condition as per the ministry’s ruling.

In light of the severe overcrowding in the school, the ministry will build an additional classroom and the school will once again receive an operating license, which was taken after the directors refused to end their discriminatory policy and comply with the ministry’s ruling.

The court’s decision is likely to end the strike in the second school in the city as well, Ladaat Chachma.

After the parents turned to the ministry of assistance, the latter ruled the two schools will accept eight girls. This led to parents declaring a strike. The Ladaat School then decided to follow suit until such time classes resume in Darchei Chana.

Meir Shimoni, the ministry’s district supervisor for chareidi education explains “We are pleased a solution was reached to end this saga. Our primary concern throughout the ordeal was doing what is best for the girls involved”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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