Lakewood: All Local Incumbents Sweep Seats in Reelection

lkThe following is via TLS:

Township Committee incumbents Deputy Mayor Menashe Miller and Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein both won the reelection with large margins.

Other local incumbent winners tonight sweeping seats include Assemblyman Sean Kean (30th District), Assemblyman Dave Rible (30th District), Ocean County Clerk Scott Colabella, and Freeholders Bartlett and Little.

The School Board winners were David Jacobovitch, Hillel Brull and Heriberto Rodriguez.

(Source: TLS)

2 Responses

  1. How many people who didn’t bother to go out to vote ?

    The people who are fed up with the ugly, gross developments with a gazillion apartments, the politcal garbage, the traffic,the chopping down of every last piece of wood ,the sense of helplessness,

    I’m not blaming the candidates, they seem like nice people, I’m blaming the developers who have them and enough of the town dwellers wrapped around their fingers.

  2. I’m surprised that Lakewood which has more than a few shvitzers and tumulers can’t organize an investigation into the ridiculously high taxes.

    Hundreds if not thousands of new houses go up each year growing the tax base by millions of dollars and yet the bill keeps going higher. My taxes rose by more than $5,000 in the last 2 years and what more am I getting for it?

    Until we clean house and bring in an accounting firm that specilizes in corruption we will continue to see this happen.

    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and thrice ad infinitum shame on me and the rest of the sheeple in Lakewood.

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