Co-President of OHEL Moishe Hellman is Guest of Honor at OHEL’s 46th Annual Gala

Picture_Moishe Hellman_With_Meir_OHEL_Bais_Ezra_Resident


Co-President of OHEL Moishe Hellman is Guest of Honor

at OHEL’s 46th Annual Gala, November 22, 2015


President, Builder & Leader


OHEL Children’s and Family Services Annual Gala will celebrate 46 years of serving the community, while remembering and honoring OHEL’s builders –  past, present, and future.


The Gala takes place on November 22, 2015 at the New York Marriott Marquis at 5pm.


The theme of this year’s gala is “Building the Future Together.” Special Guest of Honor is OHEL Co-President Moishe Hellman, an exemplary builder and leader –  to OHEL and the wider community.


The event provides an ideal opportunity to celebrate the commitment and accomplishments of Moishe Hellman, who has devoted his professional and personal life to our community, to re-building and elevating the lives of children and families in need served by OHEL, and to building OHEL’s places and spaces.


Moishe Hellman’s face lights up when he visits with the children and adults whose lives are changed forever through OHEL’s work.


He loves every member of our community as he loves his own family. He listens with compassion and leads with humility. On any given day, you will find him delivering a gift to an OHEL resident who has asked for something special, or meeting with family members or government officials who are advocating for children with disabilities, or leading a Board meeting, or raising funds for OHEL with his business partners and associates.


More likely, he is doing all these things in a single day.


It’s hard to imagine how Moishe Hellman has time or energy to contribute in any other way, yet he does!  Moishe is known for saying “OHEL BELONGS TO EVERYONE”.


Moishe helped OHEL build the first-of-its-kind Domestic Abuse Shelters for Jewish women, more than 100 residences for people with disabilities and psychiatric disease, outpatient clinics, day rehab programs for adults with disabilities – while leading the expansion of OHEL services in New York, New Jersey, South Florida, and Los Angeles.


Under Mr. Hellman’s leadership OHEL has developed the highest ranked Foster Care Program in New York City.


Most recently under his guidance, OHEL opened Camp Kaylie at OHEL, the groundbreaking inclusive summer camp for children of all abilities – which has become fully subscribed every summer since its launch in 2011.


Mr. Hellman served on OHEL’s Board of Trustees for two decades before becoming co-president and has served on the board of the Maimonides Medical Center for twenty years, among the boards of many other organizations.


He was Chazzan at Riverdale Jewish Center where he shared his passion for chazzanus.


Moishe and his wife, Rozi live in Boro Park and Monsey where they have raised four children and welcome many grand-and-great grandchildren.


President of Hellman Real Estate in Brooklyn, he is an accomplished business professional and exemplary community advocate widely regarded for leading with compassion and humility. He is a fierce advocate for our community and an effective and inspiring leader.


Moishe asks that you join OHEL at this Gala and “Give a pledge from the heart to contribute to our community”.  Moishe has given his heart and soul to OHEL. Through your Gala gift, OHEL can continue to build for the future.


This year, OHEL will also honor our beloved founder and past president, Max Wasser, A”H.  Max and his wife, Rose, are remembered with great affection and esteem as inspiring community advocates for children and people with disabilities.


Rabbi Yaakov Lehrfield, the esteemed Rabbi of the Young Israel of Staten Island, and his Rebbetzin, Mrs Leah Lehrfield will be presented with the OHEL Community Leadership Award.

Team OHEL participant Bruce Prince and Team OHEL founder Tamar Sicklick will be honored as well as the Levi Family as Team OHEL Superheroes for participating in OHEL’s races alongside their brother Meir, who lives in an OHEL residence. Duvi and Rikki Janklowicz, young foster parents who have provided a loving home to children and teenagers in dire need, will be recognized with the Foster Parent Tribute.


The Gala anticipates and celebrates the opening in 2016 of OHEL’s expansive new campus in Flatbush, Brooklyn. The event is an ideal opportunity to honor the places, spaces and faces that contribute to building a dynamic future for our community.


To make reservations or place journal ads, please call 718-972-9328, visit www. or e-mail [email protected]. Please honor OHEL’s guest of honor, Moishe Hellman and our other honorees and thereby ensure that we can continue building the future together.

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