Rabbi Lazer Brody shlit”a Coming to Los Angeles This Week


This coming Thursday, Oct. 29, Rabbi Lazer Brody will be in Los Angeles, continuing Breslev Israel’s tour, “Emuna: The REAL War on Terror.” He will be discussing a range of topics, including relating first-hand the current situation in Israel.

He will explain how what’s happening in Israel ties into the Geula process, and reveal what we can do to help bring the Geula with mercy. He will delve in-depth into topics such as gratitude and shalom bayit in ways that will be refreshing and unique to all, from the Jew who is just beginning to learn about Hashem, to even the most seasoned Orthodox Jew.

For the first time ever, Rabbi Brody will be giving a much-requested Shalom Bayit Conference during a Shabbaton in Encino. This will be followed by a Men’s “Garden of Peace” two-part workshop in Tarzana.

There are also lectures in Valley Village & Beverly Hills.

In addition, Breslev Israel is excited to present at each event Dr. Zev Ballen, world-renowned psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience. Dr. Ballen is the only person in the world that was hand-picked by Rav Shalom Arush shlit”a to combine his teachings of emuna with Dr. Ballen’s expertise in psychotherapy. The result is an approach that has helped thousands of people overcome many personal challenges in a fraction of the time of traditional therapy.

Private appointments with Rabbi Brody and Dr. Ballen are available for Monday, November 2. Contact [email protected] to schedule an appointment. Space is very limited- first come, first served.

Click HERE for full tour details in California and the continuation of the tour.

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