The Ten Must-Knows of Netspark Mobile the Ultimate in Filtering Apps [PINNED]


1 ~ This is the only app that uses online filtering technology that enables easy browsing over the entire web whilst removing harmful content from news and information sites, without the need to block them.

2 ~ A unique technology-driven application filters 24,000,000 new YouTube videos daily, 200,000,000 new pictures daily and half a billion text characters every second.

3 ~ The app does not require usage of a special Smartphone device or hacking a device. The app allows the transforming the Smartphone device to a filtered device within just a few minutes. It is important to make clear that filtering technology does not allow any party including Netspark to view personal applications of the browser, including text messaging, whatsapp or email content.

4 ~ The cost of the app is extremely attractive, approximately 60% less than any other solution found in the special more comprehensive Jewish market.

5 ~The app contains advanced removal protection and alert systems in the event of cessation of filter activities for whatever reason, guaranteeing peace of mind for a parent when a child is using a Smartphone or tablet.

6 ~ The app includes an internal detection system, activated only with explicit permission from the owner of the device. With this approval, Netspark can provide the owner with an exact on-line location of the device and its current user, such as a child, when so needed.

7 ~This is the only app that received Rabbinic authorization from the Chabad Beit Din and in addition is also being used by many Chasidic and Haredi communities in Israel, Europe, USA, Canada and South America.

8 ~It is possible by means of the app to limit time usage on the Internet and other applications.

9 ~After installation of the app, all the functions programmed for filtering or time usage can be remotely controlled with the Smartphone device.

10~Educational institutions worldwide operate the unique filtering system of the app for their students using an “institution management system” that enables the configuration special group and filtering choices.

Available at all branches of TAG worldwide and at

3 Responses

  1. Amazing app! I use it for almost half a year – it changed my life! Two weeks ago I installed my own son, and since I also manage the amount of time that he is surfing smartphone – in short – he discovered that it is possible to go to bed early 🙂
    Recommend it to everyone!

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