On Rachel Imeinu’s Yartzeit, Dry A Jewish Mother’s Tears

rIt’s a great zechus and a segulah for blessing.

On Rachel Imeinu’s yartzeit, tell a new mother מנעי קולך מבכי – Don’t cry anymore!

Chaya G. had a baby last week – and she can’t stop crying.

The baby is healthy and adorable, but Chaya, a baalas teshuva with no family, is so overwhelmed and exhausted; she is falling apart. Chaya got home from the hospital to find her home in chaos. Her three other children, ages five, four, and two, were wearing mismatched clothing, and the kitchen table was cluttered with bread crusts and dirty dishes.

Nobody had prepared for her homecoming.

There was no food or baby supplies. Chaya had to run out, four children in tow, to buy diapers, baby bottles and baby wash. She paid with her last twenty dollar bill – and had to put a yogurt back on the shelf when she realized her money wouldn’t stretch that far. When she got home, she burst into tears.

I am reaching out to you today, on Rachel Imeinu’s yartzeit, to help Chaya stop crying.

Chaya recently moved to Boro Park from a small town down South. She doesn’t know her neighbors, and her husband hasn’t quite found his place. He spends his time looking for a job, and isn’t capable of helping with the home or children.

When Chaya heard that Kimpatorin Aid offers meals for new mothers, she called our office. Rebbetzin Unger took the call, and sensed that the woman on the line was stifling her tears. It didn’t take long for her to realize that Chaya was at high risk of Post Partum Depression – a serious hormonal condition that is most likely in overwhelmed women after childbirth. Rebbetzin Unger dispatched a house keeper and arranged for the family to get fresh meals. But Chaya needs much more help.

Help Chaya – in memory of Mamme Rachel.

Kimpatorin Aid is sending Chaya to a Post Partum respite home, but the standard 3-day stay will not be enough. Chaya will need at least one week to recover. She also needs long-term housekeeping help and meals. Kimpatorin Aid will also arrange for psychiatric help if necessary.

We need to raise twelve thousand dollars to help Chaya and her family.

Please join us in helping Chaya TODAY. Every dollar you donate brings us closer to our goal.

יש שכר לפעולתך.

Your contribution will bring you much reward.

“Whoever donates to Kimpatorin Aid will merit to have good children.” — Spinka Rebbe, zatza”l

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