Obama Defends Black Lives Matter Movement

blmPresident Barack Obama says the Black Lives Matter movement is drawing attention to a specific problem that’s happening only in African-American communities.

He says it’s “a legitimate issue that we’ve got to address.”

Obama commented Thursday at a White House forum on the criminal justice system. Obama, members of Congress and others are pushing for changes to make the system fairer, such as by reducing prison terms for non-violent offenders.

Obama says Black Lives Matter quickly came to be seen as opposed to police, but that the loosely organized group is raising specific concerns about whether blacks in certain areas are treated unfairly or are more frequently subject to excessive force by police.

Recent killings of unarmed black men by police gave rise to the movement.


5 Responses

  1. The Democrats are moving radically to the left in the mistaken belief that the last eight years have convinced most Americans that the quasi-socialist, pandering, identity politics approach is the way to go.

    If the Republicans don’t knock the stuffing out of the Democrats in 2016, it will be a very different country we are living in compared to what it was a decade ago, and for the most, we won’t like it.

  2. So I guess the Race baiter in the White House couldn’t care less about Randolph Holder. Although he was a black, HE WAS AN EVIL COP, so too bad! If he was a cop, he was most probably an Uncle Tom. “Black lives matter” only applies to black criminal dregs of society! And that divide & conquer bum in the WH is looked upon as a hero to all Democrats?!

  3. how come we dont have all these organizations for disadvantaged jews? the answer is because we dont spend our lives trying to get away with everything for all the wrongs perpetrated against us. in other words GROW UP! STOP ACTING LIKE ANIMALS AND EXPECTING TO GET TREATED LIKE DECENT HUMAN BEINGS

  4. What a shock, the community organizer-in-chief is for a group of black troublemakers. Black lives matter is just a gilgul of the local troublemaking groups barry helped back in chicago. He should dust the mothballs off his rebbi, the hon. rev. yirmiyahu wright so he can be the manhig for this thugs.

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