Will Minister Ariel Resign Over Har Habayis Issue?

hha1As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu left for meetings in Berlin, Minister of Agriculture (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Ariel is hinting at possibly stepping down from the cabinet over the growing dispute surrounding Har Habayis.

Ariel, who is a regular visitor to the site, one who visits the site in line with halachic guidelines in line with rabbonim permitting visits, insists he will not sit back and permit a change in the status quo on the site that worsens conditions for Jews.

Netanyahu will be meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Berlin after which Kerry will meet with PA (Palestinian Authority) Chairman Abu Mazen. Ariel fears Netanyahu will be pressured into concessions regarding Har Habayis. Ariel explains that he has information that Kerry will be pushing for a change in the Har Habayis status quo so that Muslims will not have any restrictions and Israeli cabinet ministers and Members of Knesset will be prohibited from visiting. The decision as to whom may visit will be given to the Waqf Authority.

Ariel explains “The current status quo which prohibits tefilos is bad enough. It is a disgrace that a Jew is arrested on Har Habayis for saying ‘Shema Yisrael’ but this status quo has existed for decades, not decided by you [PM Netanyahu]. However if you [PM Netanyahu] agree to changes today, it will result in a new reality that we will not be able to accept under any conditions”.

“Myself personally, I will not be able to be a part of the collective responsibility for such a move, which will result in crying for generations to come” he added.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. It is clear the nations of the world refuse to listen when Israel cries out again and again that the Palestinians are not interested in living in peace along side Israel. That the Palestinians never stopped their plans to destroy Israel and retake all the Holy Land to make the entire Middle East, Persian Gulf and North Africa only Moslem. That is so far till they get the whole world. Even as Palestinian president Abbas hails the blood of Palestinian martyrs and accuses Israel of persecuting Palestinians when all see it is Palestinians that are attacking Jewish men, women and children all over Israel. It is apparent there is a different mind set in the Arab middle east where they are not useto religious tolerance or peaceful co-existence. At the UN they hatefully want to declare all Jewish holy sites in the ancient Jewish land as Moslem. They purposely ignore the archaeology, history, Josephus, and Bible which so strongly remind us of ancient Israel and the kingdom of Judah that was there for many hundreds of years. They hail as heroes those that go on missions to murder men, women and children in the jihadist way. If the world clearly refuse to see the real truth and play the even handed game at best then it may be time to accept the real only hope of Israel is the G-d of Israel. Despite the world Israel was created and many millions of Jews ahev been gathered home from all parts of the globe. These are open reflections of the books of the prophets that can not be denied. The Arabs are originally from the Arabian peninsula before overrunning the Middle East and North Africa. They can not stand seeing this very small land have its original inhabitants miraculously return and do not want to share. Under Israeli control all holy sites are secure for all religouns and under Palestinian controlled areas holy sites as Josephs tomb are vandalized and set on fire while Rachels Tomb is frequently stoned. This is the truth. In light of this and world even handedness between Israelis looking for co-existence and those that wat all for themselves we can only turn to our true Superpower ally Above and says Psalms such as Psalms 83 regarding those that would seek to wipe out Israels name. –

  2. While I sympathize with many of the learned Minister’s positions, I find his endless threats to resign from the government/coalition/party/faction wearisome. Is seems to me that he is threatening to resign from something or another every Monday and Thursday. His reaction to pretty much everything from war to misplacing his car keys seems to be a threat to leave. His wife must have nerves of steel and the patience of Job.

  3. Perhaps the Minister should reconsider his following of MODERN rabbis, who are openly supporting visits and themselves visiting where the Gedolei Yisroel have prohibited since the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh.
    The Minister as well as well as the MODERNS should take heed of the parallel of their attitude and actions, vis-a vis the ramifications of these actions – the push to change the status quo, and moreso the rise of Palestinian violence and terrorism. The MODERNS are their own worst enemies, and the enemies of all of Klal Yisroel.

  4. Why is “MODERN” a bad word?

    Our enemies do not need excuses to murder us. If it weren’t the Temple Mount it would be something else.

  5. The issue here is not so much a halachic one but a political one. We cannot tolerate any longer that these murderers who teach their little children to murder us should have any advantage.
    History has proven that the cursed Arabs only understand one language and that is the language of strength.
    Here is what must be done
    1) any one caught inciting or for killing of a jew should be executed
    2) all residents of Israel should have to declare an oath of alligance to the state whoever refuses ( both arab and jew) should automatically loose their Israeli citizenship and residence and social benefits
    3) the Israeli Arabs will have to choose either they accept the majority or they will loose their privilages ask any arab in israel if they want israeli ribonut or abu mazen? You will not be shocked that all arabs want to be under israeli law
    4) tge time has come to assasinate all leaders of chamas now and let us not be worried who comes after these filthy murderers we shall kill them too and trust me by third round you will not have any more inciters.
    Enough with this weakness which is not working and by the way screw the antisemitic west france britain sweden holland belgium they will dissappear in 50 years as the radical muslim filth is taking over.
    Finally i would have told Ban Kee Moon that we will never be like Syria Egypt Iraq Iran Lybia etc
    Wake up Am Yisroel before its too late

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