Statement of Agudath Israel of America on the UNESCO Resolution Regarding Holy Sites in Israel

koselWednesday’s resolution by UNESCO, despite its revision from an even more egregious draft, deserves only condemnation.

The final draft was not the result of any new recognition or understanding by Arab leaders or other supporters of the resolution of the Jewish people’s connection to the Western Wall, the Temple Mount, Jerusalem or any other holy sites. It was simply the outcome of arm twisting and backroom deals. And even the resultant “compromise” is odious.

The resolution seeks only to empower Palestinian leaders’ attempt to “de-Judaize” Judaism’s holiest places. Indeed, the proposal itself makes no mention of any Jewish connection to Jerusalem, the Temple Mount or the Western Wall. And its new “tempered” language continues firmly on that path by declaring the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel’s Tomb – the sacred burial ground of Judaism’s patriarchs and matriarch – as Muslim holy sites. The resolution is a further attempt in the effort to sever the connection between the Jewish people and their holy sites and ancestral heritage.

The sponsors of the resolution understand well that repeating a big lie manufactures its own “truth.” That is their goal.

The Palestinian Authority and Arab states that sponsored UNESCO’s resolution have not changed that goal, only their strategy.

This resolution is a scurrilous, cynical calumny, aimed at achieving nefarious ends.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. It is clear the nations of the world refuse to listen when Israel cries out again and again that the Palestinians are not interested in living in peace along side Israel. That the Palestinians never stopped their plans to destroy Israel and retake all the Holy Land to make the entire Middle East, Persian Gulf and North Africa only Moslem. That is so far till they get the whole world. Even as Palestinian president Abbas hails the blood of Palestinian martyrs and accuses Israel of persecuting Palestinians when all see it is Palestinians that are attacking Jewish men, women and children all over Israel. It is apparent there is a different mind set in the Arab middle east where they are not useto religious tolerance or peaceful co-existence. At the UN they hatefully want to declare all Jewish holy sites in the ancient Jewish land as Moslem. They purposely ignore the archaeology, history, Josephus, and Bible which so strongly remind us of ancient Israel and the kingdom of Judah that was there for many hundreds of years. They hail as heroes those that go on missions to murder men, women and children in the jihadist way. If the world clearly refuse to see the real truth and play the even handed game at best then it may be time to accept the real only hope of Israel is the G-d of Israel. Despite the world Israel was created and many millions of Jews ahev been gathered home from all parts of the globe. These are open reflections of the books of the prophets that can not be denied. The Arabs are originally from the Arabian peninsula before overrunning the Middle East and North Africa. They can not stand seeing this very small land have its original inhabitants miraculously return and do not want to share. Under Israeli control all holy sites are secure for all religouns and under Palestinian controlled areas holy sites as Josephs tomb are vandalized and set on fire while Rachels Tomb is frequently stoned. This is the truth. In light of this and world even handedness between Israelis looking for co-existence and those that wat all for themselves we can only turn to our true Superpower ally Above and says Psalms such as Psalms 83 regarding those that would seek to wipe out Israels name.

  2. The world became an evil, devil,satanic Sodomite place
    with an exception of a few countries.
    The follow the arab terrorists PLO and Hamas who is calling for the killing of all the jews in Israel and around the world.
    These nation HAS NO MORAL RIGHT to exist.
    May HASHEM destroy these Nations including Obama and every single of the 60927940 people who voted like He destroyed
    the citizens of Sodom and Gomorah.

  3. Why are you surprised? once the Bible is discounted as any sort of reality in terms of reality (after all the world has accepted and even embraced the scientific opinion lie that the world is millions of years old) they have thus also automatically the Palestinian narrative makes sense from their perspective as an oppressed indigenous people to the land.

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