VIDEOS AND PHOTOS: Jewish Man Shot Dead At Center One In Jerusalem After Attempting To Grab Gun


A Jewish man was shot and killed by Israeli Security Forces near Center One in Jerusalem, late Wednesday night. It was originally thought to have been a terror attack by a Palestinian, but that turned out not to be the case.

The individual was identified as Jewish by the identification card he carried. Those who shot him claimed they were attacked and that he attempted to grab one of their weapons during a escalating verbal dispute.

ZAKA removed the man in a white body bag used forJews as opposed to a black garbage bad used for dead terrorists.

This incident comes just a few hours after four IDF soldiers were wounded in a vehicular attack in Beit Omar, a town north of Hebron.

One was in moderately-serious condition while the rest were lightly wounded. The attacker was shot and critically wounded at the scene.

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6 Responses

  1. Too much hype….no terrorism here. Just some yidden killing another yid in a sad but otherwise not unusual crime. There are probably a hundred of these “routine” homicides every year, this one perhaps related to the higher sense of risk arising from the real terrorist attacks.

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