Attorney Feldman: Does the Prosecution Want Rav Pinto to Die?

pintoDefense attorney for Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto spoke with Kol Berama Radio, using the public forum to express criticism against the prosecution in the ongoing trial against the rabbi. Feldman has brought documentation and photos showing the rav is hospitalized in the US and fighting a serious illness, yet the prosecution insists that he appear for the continuation of the trail as scheduled.

Feldman spoke with the chareidi radio on Tuesday evening the eve of 8 Cheshvan, telling host Moshe Glasner “I am in this profession for many years, and have never encountered such derogatory resistance as in this case. Sadly, the rabbi is ill with cancer and wanted to have surgery performed in the United States but the prosecution objected”.

“The rabbi turned to the court, explaining a person is entitled to select his doctor. He had surgery but there have been complications and we have requested to permit him to continue in the US to address his medical situation. We brought an expert medical opinion but they feel the rav is not sufficiently ill. After the surgery the rav is supposed to have another surgical procedure and once again the prosecution objected”.

“I do not know what the prosecution wants. I said in the hearing today she [the prosecution] would prefer that he dies in the United States but the court ruled in between our request and the prosecution’s position, that he delayed return is not a violation of his conditional release”.

Feldman stressed that his client is being hounded and treated most unfairly by the prosecution.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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