It’s All or Nothing for Magen LaCholeh – Help them Raise the Desperately Needed Funds through ‘Charidy’ Campaign [PINNED]


Magen LaCholeh is a nonprofit organization, headed by Rabbi Binyamin Fisher, which helps patients and their families to navigate the difficult path of dealing with illness as easily and safely as possible. We take over 400 calls daily, around the clock.

Rabbi Benny Fisher was instructed by Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ztz”l to found Magen LaCholeh.

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With medical knowledge gained through thousands of hours dealing with thousands of patients, with dozens of workers and volunteers, and connections with the best doctors and hospitals In Israel and around the world, Magen LaCholeh assists every patient, no matter what his financial status or social sector.

Our goals to arrive at an effective and speedy solution for every patient by sorting out the complexities of the medical bureaucracy, scheduling meetings and medical procedures, and above all, getting a quick and correct diagnosis in order to put the patient on the path to healing, with Hashem’s help. To further ease the burden on patients, Magen LaCholeh has a fleet of ambulances with intensive care facilities and also lends out medical equipment, and more.

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In the recent wave of terror attacks in Israel, Magen LaCholeh has been involved in a majority of cases, being at the patient’s side from the initial stage until recovery.


 In order to support our organization’s efforts in this holy work, three philanthropists have offered to $1250,000 each to Magen LaCholeh, on condition that we raise $125,000 from the general public in 24 hours.

 If we succeed, we will raise $500,000 in one day. But to succeed, we must have your help!

This is your opportunity to help us raise a million dollars with any donation you can give. Every

dollar you donate will be quadrupled!

 You can make a difference now! Click here!


 To donate by phone during the next 24 hours

 call 077-9022580

For assistance by phone, call 02-644-2000

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