Boy Donates to United Hatzolah in Lieu of Bar Mitzvah Gifts, Starts New Chesed Trend


In a time and generation that have so frustrated the world that psychologists are calling it the Narcissism Epidemic, it’s rare to find a child or teenager willing to look beyond the seemingly impenetrable bubble of his own comforts.

When a boy turns thirteen, he becomes a man, according to Jewish law. But thirteen is still young, and therefore the normal gifts boys bequest for this special day range from designer watches to graphic video games involving blood and violence. But one boy decided to stop this pattern.

Meet Shalom Moshe Medjuck, a thirteen year old from Toronto who has taken the impressionable age group of bar and bas mitzvas and started a mind blowing trend. Shalom Moshe could have asked his relatives and friends for a variety of gifts; things to play with, talk on, or listen to. But instead, he chose to save lives. In lieu of bar mitzva gifts, this special young man sent out a link to his loved ones, asking that they donate money to United Hatzlah for the purchase of an “ambucycle”, an ambulance- motorcycle that would grace the streets of Israel and help to save the lives of Jews, Christians & Muslims. Shalom Moshe surrounded by family and friends presented the ambucycle to the grateful members of Israels United Hatzalah this past summer.

Bar mitzva boys and bas mitzva girls have followed in Shalom Moshe’s admirable footsteps and are turning down materialistic gifts in favor of helping other Jews in need. Now that is truly the way to start off one’s adult life.

Akiva Medjuck DANIThe apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and neither, apparently, does the generosity bug. Shalom Moshe’s parents, Akiva & Bilah, passed down their passion to help ease the burden of others.

Founder of the National Benefit Authority, Akiva and his team of more than one hundred and fifty specialists work hard creating opportunities for those with physical and cognitive challenges.

The National Benefit Authority (NBA) advocates for Canadians living with disabilities. The NBA helps real people obtain tax reimbursements through the federal disability tax credit.

By working directly with the Canada Revenue Agency, The National Benefit Authority manages all medical and financial aspects of the disability tax credit application process for their clients.

Akiva Medjuck True Patriot Love FoundationAkiva and the National Benefit Authority have already successfully assisted over 35,000 Canadians living with disabilities since the year 2008.

Akiva and his team have taken it one step further, partnering with Volleyball Canada’s sitting-volleyball team for para-athletes, in order to provide support for both the men’s and women’s teams. They also partnered with DANI (Developing and Nurturing Independence), a program that allows young adults with physical and cognitive challenges to participate as “valued community members”. Akiva and the NBA have already enriched the lives of DANI members in unforgettable ways, beginning when they donated a fully accessible wheelchair bus in the fall of 2012.

The NBA has also recently presented a multi-year gift of $150,000 to the True Patriot Love Foundation. The funds are to be used to benefit Canadian Military families who have children with special needs, in order to grant financial relief for various required processes, such as tutoring, necessary assessments, respite care, and essential therapies.

Today You Will Learn - MedjuckAnother widely acclaimed project of this hyper active clan is the sponsoring of an educational game changer, a series of books written by Rabbi Binyamin Ginsburg for teachers on preparing and teaching lessons to children, the series is called ‘Today You Will Learn’. With such role models, it’s no wonder Shalom Moshe has chosen such a special path. May God reward him and his wonderful family, and may he continue to go from strength to strength.

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