How Would You Like Harav Moshe Feinstein’s Classic Chiddushim to be Presented Step-by-Step, in the Original Hebrew, on the Daf You Are Learning? ArtScroll/Mesorah Now Brings it to You!

Dibros Moshe_Shavuos_Avodah Zara copy[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

Dibros Moshe, Rav Moshe’s monumental collection of chiddushim on Gemara, was his masterpiece. Rav Aharon Kotler zt’l said of it:  “There is no significant concept or chiddush that cannot be found here!”

And yet… many b’nei Torah find Dibros Moshe to be daunting. The essays are lengthy, comprehensive, and complex. “It was like trying to learn from an encyclopedia,” a kollel student says, “overwhelming to someone like me.”  

Not any more! Three volumes of Dibros Moshe are now available in a contemporary new format that opens up Rav Moshe’s brilliant chiddushim to everyone.

This new series is based on more than 20,000 pages of Rav Moshe’s unpublished handwritten notes, plus all his published works, organized according to the daf.

Among the features of these new volumes:

• Long pieces are divided into short, easy-to-follow segments, retaining Rav Moshe’s own words

• Extensive, user-friendly subheads

• Everything Rav Moshe wrote related to the daf – from Igros Moshe, Darash Moshe, and other volumes of Dibros – is included • Appendix with the complete text of every teshuvah excerpted in the sefer

Finally, you can “understand Dibros Moshe,” and let Rav Moshe guide you through the blatt.

Volumes published to date in this new format:



Shevuos – Avodah Zarah

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