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VIDEO: Police Have Begun Separating Jabil Mukhaber from Armon HaNatziv


As part of the ongoing effort to halt the current wave of Islamic terror, the cabinet decided to seclude some problematic Arab neighborhoods in the capital, first and foremost Jabil Mukhaber, which borders Armon HaNatziv. A number of the terrorists responsible for recent attacks were from Jabil Mukhaber.

The video shows the concrete dividers that block vehicular passage in addition to the higher concrete partitions which blocks visibility and make throwing firebombs and rocks into the Jewish area considerably more difficult.

The view from the video is Meir Nakar Street, the border between the Jewish and Arab areas.

The second video shows the arrival of the security booth which will provide protection for border police responsible for maintaining a watchful eye on the seamline area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Video: Medabrim Tikshoret)

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