Terror Attack Update Since Rosh Hashanah 5776

20151012115543 (4)Eight people HY”D were murdered in terror attacks and at least 150 wounded, some seriously, in terror attacks since Rosh Hashanah 5776 until the attacks on Tuesday 30 Tishrei.

There have been 21 stabbing and vehicle attacks leading to five persons killed (Nechemia Lavie, Aharon Benita, Chaviv Chaim, Yeshaya Krashevsky and another person from the Armon HaNatziv attack). There were at least 40 persons wounded in these attacks, some seriously.

There have been 15 shooting attacks leading to two dead (Rabbi Eitam and Mrs. Na’ama Henkin) and leaving one person wounded lightly. There were two wounded by mistaken gunfire.

One person (Alexander Levlovitz) was murdered in a rock attack and over 105 injured including 13 soldiers, 40 policepersons and border police, 2 tourists and foreign media persons and 49 citizens, some women and children as young as 6-months-old.

There have been at least 12 bomb attack leading to one border policeman wounded lightly at Kever Rochel.

One policeman was lightly wounded in a gas cylinder terror attack.

There have been dozens of attempted murders using rocks and firebombs hurled at vehicle including ambulances and security vehicles.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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