PHOTOS: Rav Yeshaya Krishevsky HYD, Killed In The Geula Vehicular Terror Attack

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6 Responses

  1. people need to wake up from their dreams that this situation is getting out of hand.
    if we wont think of something quick its gonna get a lot worse.

    WAKE UP AM YISROEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. @anewuser : The ONLY thing we, as a Nation can do, is Daven to HaShem. Yes, we can protect ourselves. Yes, there is the IDF (B”H). But what we NEED to do is to turn our eyes to the Borey Olam and plead for Him to help His children.

    May the Karbonas already taken be enough to let His Rachamim flow. H”YN.

  3. #2 = the IDF cannot do anything at all.
    Any terrorist can get his hands on a knife, screwdriver, or vehicle. There is nothing one can do in advance to stop it.
    Shooting terrorists dead does not prevent the next attack in the Muslim culture of death and glorifying jihad. They have nothing to live for and if they die, then their families will get lots of money and steady support from the PA or Hamas. That’s probably why their families are so ecstatic and give out candies – now they don’t have to bother supporting themselves…
    In short, there IS NO security solution. Of course, each person should do what is within his/her ability for self-protection, but that is merely hishtadlus – one’s obligation to expend effort in the natural, this-worldly realm.
    The ONLY genuine solution is in the spiritual realm: teshuva, tefilla and tzedaka – especially teshuva.
    Each person knows where his areas of weakness lie, whether in one’s relationship with our Creator, in interpersonal relationships or with oneself (self-abuse is also a sin – we are holy and created betzelem Elokim – in His image).
    If we don’t wake up now and become better people – each person checking his/her own backyard and not pointing accusing fingers at the next person – then we’re really comatose. It’s hard work, but that’s where Hashem is pushing us – first with gentle nudges and now shaking us harder. Are our teeth chattering yet, or are we waiting for worse?! One very good segula for rachamim is to forego grudges: ‘Kol hamaavir al midosav, maavirin lo al kol p’sha’av’ (Rosh HaShanah 17a).
    A gutten chodesh lechol Beis Yisrael – may we be zocheh to the geula sheleima and may each of us merit to see it.

  4. #3 you are right on. I would only add the following:

    When tzaros happens to the klal we have a greater tendency to unite which is a clear signal that Hashem wants us to unite. We need to make this happen before tzoros occurs so we can avoid these tradgedies. Let us work on being meyuchad with all those who we remain distant from! A gutten chodesh

  5. ‘ONLY genuine solution is in the spiritual realm ‘
    For Sure

    However Public Crisis demand Public Teshuva

    WE must Work on PUBLIC COLLECTIVE deficiencies

  6. #5 Public collective teshuva for public deficiencies has to be organized under the guidance of gedolim – no one individual can make that happen. Sure, each shul can have meetings and there are public kinnusim, but who is kovei’a the agenda? Private teshuva is doable and not dependent on anyone else – it can be done now and today by sitting down, doing a serious, carefully-thought-through cheshbon hanefesh and a step-by-step plan of action how to effect real change. You are welcome to speak to Rabbonim and askonim to work on takanos for public collective deficiencies, such as an overhaul of skewed values, priorities and middos that cause the shidduch crisis, kids not accepted in mosdos, not turning a blind eye to abuse in many shapes and forms and so one and so forth. Our core is beautiful – the chessed, gevura and emmes of the avos run in our blood… but Hashem is demanding that we iron out the kinks until frum and krum are polar opposites – on both personal and communal levels.

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