VIDEOS: Hashem Yerachem! FULL RECAP Of Terror Attacks On Tuesday, 30 Tishrei [1:21PM IL]

tehillimThe day’s first terror attack was reported at about 9:47 AM, on Achuza Street in Ra’anana. An Arab male armed with a knife began to stab pedestrians. B’chasdei Hashem he was neutralized quickly, shot dead. One person was seriously wounded and the second light. The terrorist was a resident of eastern Jerusalem.

Stabbing in Holon
The next attack of the day was in Holon, at about 10:23 AM. The attack occurred on Chenkin Street. A man in his 20s was moderately wounded. Police later determined this was criminal and not terror in nature.

Shooting/Stabbing on Board a Jerusalem Bus
The next attack came in at about 10:55 AM. The reports were confusing speaking of stabbing and shooting and many injured. MDA declared a ‘mass casualty incident’ as ambulances began responding, as did Ichud Hatzalah and Zaka unit.

The attack occurred on board a passenger bus on Olei HaGardom Street in the Armon HaNatziv neighborhood of Jerusalem. Two terrorists, Arab men in their 20s, got on the bus and one began firing and the second stabbed passengers. 16-18 people were wounded and at least one killed. Some of the wounded are in serious condition.

Vehicular Attack on Malchei Yisrael Street in Geula
Shortly after 10:30 AM calls came into police and EMS about a terror attack on Malchei Yisrael Street in the Geula area of Jerusalem, near Yosef Matisyahu Street. There were reports of a vehicular attack, stabbing and gunfire.

It appears a terrorist rammed his vehicle into a bus stop and then got out of the vehicle and began stabbing persons at the bus stop. Police fired at the terrorist, neutralizing him but not before he seriously injured a number of people.

2nd Stabbing Attack in Ra’anana
The second stabbing attack of the day in the city occurred at about 10:45AM. This time on Jerusalem Street near Achuza Street. Four persons were wounded, one in serious condition.

General Information & Updates on All Attacks 
It will take some time until accurate confirmed information pertaining to the dead and wounded is released to the media. At present, it is known that at least three people were killed in Jerusalem attacks. It appears two are from the Armon HaNatziv bus attack and one from Malchei Yisrael Street.
• Highways to the capital have reopened amid reports police have apprehended the accomplice, the person who drove the terrorist to the first Ra’anana stabbing attack.


• Terrorist who perpetrated vehicular attack in Geula is an employee of Bezeq and once again, a resident of the eastern capital.
• Some of the roads closed earlier, Highway 1 and Highway 443, have been partially reopened.
Shaare Zedek Hospital: received victims from Geula and Armon HaNatziv. One arrived DOA. All the others are victims, not any of the terrorists.

• An Arab woman on a beach in Netanya reports she and her children were attacked by a Jew with club. Light injuries on the scene.
• Jerusalem: Elite commando police are seen in many areas with automatic weapons and handguns drawn. Car stops are taking place in many areas. A heavy police presence is seen in many areas.
• Two persons with light injuries arrived at Beilinson Hospital, from a Ra’anana attack.

• Police now believe the attacks in Jerusalem were not random, but planned in Jabil Mukhaber in advance.
• IDF soldiers firing at Gazans rioting at the Erez Crossing.
Acting Police Chief Bentzi Sau: we see many attacks and we also see a quick response from police and civilians. Some of the incidents have yielded painful outcome and a special briefing is set with PM Netanyahu and the Security Cabinet for this afternoon.
• PM announces security cabinet to convene at 15:00.
Jerusalem Police Chief Edri: Two attack, Armon HaNatziv and Geula. Both serious and almost at the same time. Response was quick and professional. Terrorist from Geula lives in Jabil Mukhaber.
Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital: One victim is in grave condition, undergoing emergency surgery, from Armon HaNatziv attack. Another victim is listed as serious and is conscious, also from Armon HaNatziv. An 80-year-old male is listed in moderate-to-serious condition, from Geula. One terrorist was pronounced dead in the trauma unit.
Shaare Zedek Hospital: One person arrived in grave condition, pronounced dead soon after arriving. Two persons listed as serious, in surgery at this time. Three others listed in moderate and light condition. Hospital emergency number for information is 12-55-125 and fax 02-652-2950.
• One of the Ra’anana terrorists was a city employed sanitation worker.

11:50 AM
Health Minister Yaakov Litzman has arrived at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.
• Security cabinet may impose a closure on some neighborhood in the eastern capital, possibly beginning to Jabil Mukhaber.
• Security cabinet looking into ways to expedite issuing handgun permits to eligible citizens.
• Border police at the entrance of Jabil Mukhaber, checking all who come and go. Likely to be closed later today along with Issawiye, Tzur Baher and Shuafat refugee camp, home of terrorists who perpetrated recent attacks.
• Ala Abu Jaman perpetrated the vehicular attack and a relative of the terrorist from the Har Nof shul attack. Once again, residents of Jabil Mukhaber.

• Police and EMS personnel are continuing to respond to many calls, most B”H false alarms. Citizens are afraid, so much so they suspect and male who appears out of place, anyone who appears suspicious or carrying tools results in calls for a potential terror attack. Jerusalem in particular is still feeling the reverberations of the attacks this morning as doctors continue fighting to save the lives of victims hospitalized in the city. Police are at high alert and while the police presence is evident in many areas, citizens are aware there are not enough policeman to cover every street in the city.
At present a number of incidents are being checked including in Maale Adumim, Ramle Prison, and the wounding of a man in an IKEA branch, which is currently being called criminal, not terror.

• Police are checking every car entering the capital from the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway (Highway 1) and the Jerusalem-Modi’in Highway (Highway 443). Very heavy traffic reported.
• Channel 2 reporting that while there was a stabbing near IKEA in Kiryat Gat, the incident is criminal, not terror.
Eilat: First information reports of shooting from Jordan towards an vehicle in Israel. This is preliminary information. More to follow.

12:51 PM
• Appears that in Kiryat Ata, a Jew stabbed another Jew, thinking he was an Arab. Victim in moderate condition.
• Reports of an Arab with an axe in the French Hill of area of Jerusalem. Police responding.
• The Geula terrorist worked for Bezeq for eight years. Arrived at work today at 8AM and headed to work.
• One victim of the Geula attack is Rav Yeshaya Krashevsky HY”D (ר’ ישעי’ קרישבסקי הי”ד). The levaya will begin at 14:00 at the Pinsk-Karlin Beis Medrash in Beis Yisrael.


12:57 PM
• French Hill alert canceled, unfounded.
Shaare Zedek Hospital & Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital: Three people in serious/non-life threatening condition, three moderate, one 80-year-old male in moderate to serious condition. Ein Kerem: A terrorist in serious condition.

• Ramallah: PA threatening to file against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and other state officials for giving the order “to murder Palestinians in the streets”.
• Alert at Tel Hashomer Hospital turned out to be a cell phone theft B”H, nothing more.
• Arab violence increasing along Gaza border and other areas as the Israeli Arab community observes a general strike in solidarity with al-Aqsa today.

 12:57 PM

• French Hill alert canceled, unfounded.
Shaare Zedek Hospital & Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital: Three people in serious/non-life threatening condition, three moderate, one 80-year-old male in moderate to serious condition. Ein Kerem: A terrorist in serious condition.

Armon HaNatziv attack

One can hear the gunshots in the video below as the Geula terrorist who rammed a Bezeq vehicle into the bus stop is shot moments after that attack occurred. Video: Midabrim Tikshoret.

TWO VIDEOS BELOW: First Ra’anana attack on Achuza Street. Ra’anana Mayor Ze’ev Bielski reportedly helped subdue the terrorist.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Abbas is correct we should not ordered you to kill Arabs in the streets we should order them to kill them and their homes how absolutely pathetic

  2. Hashem yerachem!
    ויהי החודש הזה סוף וקץ לכל צרותינו, תחילה וראש לפדיון נפשנו…

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