VIDEO AND PHOTOS: Terror Attack on Malchei Yisrael St. One Dead, Others Serious [UPDATED 10:38AM IL]

unnamed (5)10:18: Initial reports of a vehicular terror attack on Malchei Yisrael Street in the Geula neighborhood of Jerusalem. There are also reports of “hearing gunfire”.

10:21: ZAKA: A vehicle rammed into a bus stop on Malchei Yisrael Street at the corner of Yosef Ben Matisyahu. Three people are in grave condition.

10:25: Ichud Hatzalah: Treating a number of people on Malchei Yisrael Street. Gunfire is heard at this time. Police are working to determine if this was a vehicular accident or act of terror.

10:26: Magen David Adom Chief Eli Bin reports five wounded at the scene.

10:31: One dead and at least two very seriously wounded at the scene. Some eyewitnesses report after ramming the bus stop, the terrorist got out of his vehicle with a knife and began stabbing persons at the bus stop.

10:38: The wounded in the Jerusalem attacks are being transported to Shaare Zedek and Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospitals. There are at least three persons in serious and very serious condition from the two attacks.

        See Recap article for update on this and other earlier terror attacks.

Photos: Yossi David and Arela Teitelbaum, News 24

unnamed unnamed (8) unnamed (3) unnamed (2) unnamed (7) unnamed (12) unnamed (11) unnamed (6) unnamed (1) unnamed (5) unnamed (10) unnamed (9) unnamed (4)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. do you realise that there was also a shooting incident in Armon Hanetziv on a bus – 8 people seriosly injured…
    look it up

  2. #1 we shouldn’t go up to the har habais because gedolim said so.

    None that as it may, the Arabs don’t need an excuse to kill, they are doing it because that’s who they are.

    What is truly sad, is to see the Israeli police protect the terrorist from being killed!!

    Why are yhe terroist treated in hospitals, instead of dying a painful death?
    Why aren’t they shooting live bullets on rock throwers, and take their dead bodies and not give them back??
    Why can Arabs onsite without consequence, but when it comes to a Jew saying something they arrest and torture him??

    Israel is incouraging this behavior!!!!

  3. #1 stop playing into their game this is not the first time this is happening way before har habayis was an issue. what was their excuse then? they like killing jews and if they stop going to har habayis they’ll come up with something else

  4. This clear example of targeting non-Zionist haredi Jews like so many other attacks …proves the racism and bigotry in Arab terror.

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