Stabbing Attack in Holon [UPDATED 10:23AM IL]

mdan10:01: Emergency services are responding to a reported stabbing attack in Holon. More to follow.

10:03: The address of the attack is 109 Chenkin Street, in Holon.

10:04: A male in his 20s has been moderately wounded.

10:05: The terrorist fled and he is being pursued by persons in the area. He may have stabbed another person as he runs. This remains unclear.

10:08: Ichud Hatzalah reports the stabbing victim was wounded in his abdomen and appears in moderate condition. His mother fainted and is being treated.

The attacker was on the street and attacked the victim as he passed by.

10:23: Police now reporting the incident was criminal in nature and not a terror attack.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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