What is the PA Doing with Donor Nation Funds?

abasMany nations in the international community are anxious to continue funding the PA (Palestinian Authority) towards the establishment of the State of Palestine. For reasons that escape many, these nations continue to channel huge sums into PA coffers despite the lack of transparency and accountability.

Israel over the years has been trying to enlighten the international community that much of the funding for terrorism comes from the PA in Ramallah and until such time the donor nations demand accountability for the funding, the terrorism will continue to enjoy the PA backing, money given to Ramallah.

Gal Berger of Kol Yisrael released copies of official PA (Palestinian Authority) documents showing that the PA is indeed directly funding convicted terrorists imprisoned in Israel, once again showing potential terrorists are aware that if apprehended and convicted, they do not have to be concerned about parnasa for their family.

In fact, as the documents show, the convicted terrorists earn significantly more in jail than they could as free men.

Some examples include:

Hamas bomb expert Barghouti serving 67 life sentences – NIS 232,630 in payment.

Ibrahim Hamed, former head of the Hamas military wing in the West Bank serving 54 life sentences – NIS 200,000

In an effort to defend the funding, the PA report the sums are “humanitarian aid” for the families of the convicted terrorists. The sums however speak for themselves for the amounts significantly exceed the average salary in the PA.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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