Levaya Details for Terror Victim R’ Nechemia Lavie HYD [UPDATED 11:40 AM IL]

CQazNJXWcAAfC02FINAL: 11:40: The levaya will take place at 12:00 Hoshana Raba in Har Menuchos in Jerusalem.

The levaya of terror victim R’ Nechemia Lavie HY”D, 41, from Jerusalem’s Old City, will take place on Hoshana Raba. Details to be announced. Nechemia was one of two people murdered in the motzei Shabbos terror attack in the Old City.

Rav Nechemia was married and the father of seven children. He grew up in Yishuv Beit El in the Binyamin Regional Council district of Shomron. He has been living in Jerusalem’s Old City for the past 23 years and he was a rav in Yeshivas Ateret Kohanim in the so-called Muslim Quarter.

According to an eyewitness, he was in his home, not far from the site of the attack. He heard the screams and ran out with his gun to assist the victims but was killed in the act.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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