Bush: New Guns Laws Aren’t Right Reaction to Mass Shootings

9mm.jpgRepublican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush says he’s opposed to new federal gun laws as a response to the mass shooting at an Oregon community college.

At a forum in South Carolina, Bush said Friday he learned as Florida governor that “stuff happens … there’s always a crisis, and the impulse is to do something, and it’s not necessarily the right thing to do.”

Bush later defended his use of the phrase “stuff happens.” He says he was speaking generally about tragedies, not Thursday’s shooting that left 10 people dead, including the gunman.

Asked to react to Bush’s statement, President Barack Obama says, “I think the American people should hear that and make their own judgment.”

Obama added that voters “can decide whether or not they consider that stuff happening.”


2 Responses

  1. Idiotic gun lovers

    Deny it if you will

    But these massacres aren’t regularly happening in other civilized countries

    iirc States with lenient gun laws have higher rates of
    accidental gun tragedies

    “B’ever ha’Yarden shi’chichi rotzchim”
    rashi ibid.

    And higher rates of police homicides

  2. Of course new gun laws are needed. States should not be allowed to have gun free zones (which was the case in the college in question), and should not have restricted “concealed carry” law which are typical of blue statges such as Oregon. If respectable law abiding citizens were allowed to carry guns, terrorist attacks such as the event in Oregon (apparently carried out by a very sane ultra-secular who wanted to kills as many Christians as he could) would end very quickly since law abiding citizens would shoot the terrorist.

    In Oregon, GUN CONTROL KILLED. The disarmed citizens were killed while waiting for the government to get around to sending people with guns to resolve the matter. In a world with terrorism and crime, it is folly to ignore the right of citizens to defend themselves.

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