Judge’s Decision Still Subject to Change; Plea from Zahava’s Mother

particolare di una incubatrice per neonati prematuriIn a decision that stunned the nation, the Supreme Court passed down a verdict that will go into effect on October 3 and can have negative ramifications for thousands of Jewish citizens. It will affect many members of Klal Yisroel. Please do what you can to change this decision!

The case has been dubbed the ‘Court Case of the Year’. While beneficial for some, it is feared that the decision will damage many individuals’ livelihood. Upon Zahava’s mother’s request, please contribute to the efforts of advocates who are urgently trying to change the verdict before it becomes public on October 3, 2015.

Zahava is a 3 lb. baby whose mother has been rushing to and from the hospital, trying to take care of her family, her crisis­beset preemie­ and now this court case. It is the court case that affects every Jew’s life, money and family this year. It is the court case that took place on September 13­ on Rosh Hashanah. The decision process was kept tightly under wraps, and a final verdict was sealed on September 22, the day of Yom Kippur.

But there is still a limited chance to appeal!

The Judge’s decision goes into effect on October 3, which is Hoshana Rabbah. It will affect your livelihood, your health, and your family. Now is your last chance to appeal the decision and reverse any negative rulings.

The Zohar says in Tzav 31b that this day as fateful as Yom Kippur­ on Yom Kippur, your judgement was sealed, but on Hoshana Rabbah, your ruling goes into effect. These few crucial days between Yom Kippur and Hoshana Rabbah are yours ­ take your life into your hands and overturn every negative edict!

How can you do that? You’ve said the answer yourself, just a week ago­ “U’teshuvah, U’tefillah, U’tzedakkah maavirin es roiah hagezeirah!” ​It’s a three pronged process, and for your appeal to be decided in your favor, there are three channels you can go through:

Repentance, prayer, and charity. You’ve done all three already, but now’s the crucial time to appeal a negative decision and turn it to your favor.

Zahava’s mother sends an urgent plea­ “Please help me and my family function!” Ever since Zahava was born, her family has been grappling with having their mother stretched in too many directions­ the hospital, home, and somehow going to work after her maternity leave was up.

Kimpatorin Aid was founded by the Spinka Rebbe, zatzal, and is now under the direction of his daughter, Rebbetzin Sarah Ungar. There are currently 37 families that are listed as “Extra Urgent Special Cases” and need critical support and aid to emerge intact.

You have just a few days left before the ruling takes effect. Use that time to do whatever you can to ensure that any negative clauses are omitted and removed. The verdict will be delivered on October 3­ donate here for the most effective appeals strategy that will enable you to survive the ruling and have a wonderful year!

Click Here to Donate

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